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Why Learn LaTeX

If you need to write academic papers, please skip directly to the next section, as learning LaTeX is not just a choice but a necessity.

LaTeX is a typesetting system based on TeX, developed by Turing Award winner Lamport, while TeX was originally developed by Knuth, both of whom are giants in the field of computer science. Of course, the developers' prowess is not the reason we learn LaTeX. The biggest difference between LaTeX and the commonly used WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Word documents is that in LaTeX, users only need to focus on the content of the writing, leaving the typesetting entirely to the software. This allows people without any typesetting experience to produce papers or articles with highly professional formatting.

Berkeley computer science professor Christos Papadimitriou once jokingly said:

Every time I read a LaTeX document, I think, wow, this must be correct!

How to Learn LaTeX

The recommended learning path is as follows:

  • Setting up the LaTeX environment can be a headache. If you encounter problems with configuring LaTeX locally, consider using Overleaf, an online LaTeX editor. The site not only offers a variety of LaTeX templates to choose from but also eliminates the difficulty of environment setup.
  • Read the following three tutorials: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3.
  • The best way to learn LaTeX is, of course, by writing papers. However, starting with a math class and using LaTeX for homework is also a good choice.

Other recommended introductory materials include:

  • A brief guide to installing LaTeX [GitHub] or the TEX Live Guide (texlive-zh-cn) [PDF] can help you with installation and environment setup.
  • A (not so) brief introduction to LaTeX2ε (lshort-zh-cn) [PDF] [GitHub], translated by the CTEX development team, helps you get started quickly and accurately. It's recommended to read it thoroughly.
  • Liu Haiyang's "Introduction to LaTeX" can be used as a reference book, to be consulted when you have specific questions. Skip the section on CTEX suite.
  • Modern LaTeX Introduction Seminar
  • A Very Short LaTeX Introduction Document