
208 lines
3.7 KiB

let func : HttpFunc = handler (Some >> Task.FromResult)
type Base1() =
abstract member F : unit -> unit
default u.F() =
printfn "F Base1"
type Derived1() =
inherit Base1()
override u.F() =
printfn "F Derived1"
let d1 : Derived1 = Derived1()
let base1 = d1 :> Base1
let derived1 = base1 :?> Derived1
type PersonName =
| FirstOnly of string
| LastOnly of string
| FirstLast of string * string
type Shape =
| Rectangle of height : float * width : float
| Circle of radius : float
type MyInterface =
abstract member Add: int -> int -> int
abstract member Pi : float
exception Error1 of string
exception Error2 of string * int
["keyword", "let"],
" func ",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", ["HttpFunc"]],
["operator", "="],
" handler ",
["punctuation", "("],
"Some ",
["operator", ">>"],
" Task",
["punctuation", "."],
["punctuation", ")"],
["keyword", "type"],
["class-name", ["Base1"]],
["punctuation", "("],
["punctuation", ")"],
["operator", "="],
["keyword", "abstract"],
["keyword", "member"],
" F ",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", [
"unit ",
["operator", "->"],
" unit"
["keyword", "default"],
" u",
["punctuation", "."],
["function", "F"],
["punctuation", "("],
["punctuation", ")"],
["operator", "="],
"\r\n printfn ",
["string", "\"F Base1\""],
["keyword", "type"],
["class-name", ["Derived1"]],
["punctuation", "("],
["punctuation", ")"],
["operator", "="],
["keyword", "inherit"],
["class-name", ["Base1"]],
["punctuation", "("],
["punctuation", ")"],
["keyword", "override"],
" u",
["punctuation", "."],
["function", "F"],
["punctuation", "("],
["punctuation", ")"],
["operator", "="],
"\r\n printfn ",
["string", "\"F Derived1\""],
["keyword", "let"],
" d1 ",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", ["Derived1"]],
["operator", "="],
["function", "Derived1"],
["punctuation", "("],
["punctuation", ")"],
["keyword", "let"],
" base1 ",
["operator", "="],
" d1 ",
["operator", ":>"],
["class-name", ["Base1"]],
["keyword", "let"],
" derived1 ",
["operator", "="],
" base1 ",
["operator", ":?>"],
["class-name", ["Derived1"]],
["keyword", "type"],
["class-name", ["PersonName"]],
["operator", "="],
["operator", "|"],
" FirstOnly ",
["keyword", "of"],
["class-name", ["string"]],
["operator", "|"],
" LastOnly ",
["keyword", "of"],
["class-name", ["string"]],
["operator", "|"],
" FirstLast ",
["keyword", "of"],
["class-name", [
"string ",
["operator", "*"],
" string"
["keyword", "type"],
["class-name", ["Shape"]],
["operator", "="],
["operator", "|"],
" Rectangle ",
["keyword", "of"],
" height ",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", ["float"]],
["operator", "*"],
" width ",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", ["float"]],
["operator", "|"],
" Circle ",
["keyword", "of"],
" radius ",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", ["float"]],
["keyword", "type"],
["class-name", ["MyInterface"]],
["operator", "="],
["keyword", "abstract"],
["keyword", "member"],
" Add",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", [
"int ",
["operator", "->"],
" int ",
["operator", "->"],
" int"
["keyword", "abstract"],
["keyword", "member"],
" Pi ",
["punctuation", ":"],
["class-name", ["float"]],
["keyword", "exception"],
["class-name", ["Error1"]],
["keyword", "of"],
["class-name", ["string"]],
["keyword", "exception"],
["class-name", ["Error2"]],
["keyword", "of"],
["class-name", [
"string ",
["operator", "*"],
" int"
Checks for class-names.