
508 lines
14 KiB

'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const { assert } = require('chai');
const Prettier = require('prettier');
const PrismLoader = require('./prism-loader');
const TokenStreamTransformer = require('./token-stream-transformer');
* @typedef {import("./token-stream-transformer").TokenStream} TokenStream
* @typedef {import("../../components/prism-core.js")} Prism
* Handles parsing and printing of a test case file.
* A test case file consists of at most three parts, separated by a line of at least 10 dashes.
* This separation line must start at the beginning of the line and consist of at least three dashes.
* {code: the source code of the test case}
* ----------
* {expected: the expected value of the test case}
* ----------
* {description: explaining the test case}
* All parts are optional.
* If the file contains more than three parts, the remaining parts are part of the description.
class TestCaseFile {
* @param {string} code
* @param {string | undefined} [expected]
* @param {string | undefined} [description]
constructor(code, expected, description) {
this.code = code;
this.expected = expected || '';
this.description = description || '';
* The end of line sequence used when printed.
* @type {"\n" | "\r\n"}
this.eol = '\n';
* The number of the first line of `code`.
* @type {number}
this.codeLineStart = NaN;
* The number of the first line of `expected`.
* @type {number}
this.expectedLineStart = NaN;
* The number of the first line of `description`.
* @type {number}
this.descriptionLineStart = NaN;
* Returns the file content of the given test file.
* @returns {string}
print() {
const code = this.code.trim();
const expected = (this.expected || '').trim();
const description = (this.description || '').trim();
const parts = [code];
if (description) {
parts.push(expected, description);
} else if (expected) {
// join all parts together and normalize line ends to LF
const content = parts
.replace(/\r\n?|\n/g, this.eol);
return content + this.eol;
* Writes the given test case file to disk.
* @param {string} filePath
writeToFile(filePath) {
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, this.print(), 'utf-8');
* Parses the given file contents into a test file.
* The line ends of the code, expected value, and description are all normalized to CRLF.
* @param {string} content
* @returns {TestCaseFile}
static parse(content) {
const eol = (/\r\n|\n/.exec(content) || ['\n'])[0];
// normalize line ends to CRLF
content = content.replace(/\r\n?|\n/g, '\r\n');
const parts = content.split(/^-{10,}[ \t]*$/m, 3);
const code = parts[0] || '';
const expected = parts[1] || '';
const description = parts[2] || '';
const file = new TestCaseFile(code.trim(), expected.trim(), description.trim());
file.eol = /** @type {"\r\n" | "\n"} */ (eol);
const codeStartSpaces = /^\s*/.exec(code)[0];
const expectedStartSpaces = /^\s*/.exec(expected)[0];
const descriptionStartSpaces = /^\s*/.exec(description)[0];
const codeLineCount = code.split(/\r\n/).length;
const expectedLineCount = expected.split(/\r\n/).length;
file.codeLineStart = codeStartSpaces.split(/\r\n/).length;
file.expectedLineStart = codeLineCount + expectedStartSpaces.split(/\r\n/).length;
file.descriptionLineStart = codeLineCount + expectedLineCount + descriptionStartSpaces.split(/\r\n/).length;
return file;
* Reads the given test case file from disk.
* @param {string} filePath
* @returns {TestCaseFile}
static readFromFile(filePath) {
return TestCaseFile.parse(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'));
* @template T
* @typedef Runner
* @property {(Prism: Prism, code: string, language: string) => T} run
* @property {(actual: T) => string} print
* @property {(actual: T, expected: string) => boolean} isEqual
* @property {(actual: T, expected: string, message: (firstDifference: number) => string) => void} assertEqual
* @implements {Runner<TokenStream>}
class TokenizeJSONRunner {
* @param {Prism} Prism
* @param {string} code
* @param {string} language
* @returns {TokenStream}
run(Prism, code, language) {
return tokenize(Prism, code, language);
* @param {TokenStream} actual
* @returns {string}
print(actual) {
return TokenStreamTransformer.prettyprint(actual, '\t');
* @param {TokenStream} actual
* @param {string} expected
* @returns {boolean}
isEqual(actual, expected) {
const simplifiedActual = TokenStreamTransformer.simplify(actual);
let simplifiedExpected;
try {
simplifiedExpected = JSON.parse(expected);
} catch (error) {
return false;
return JSON.stringify(simplifiedActual) === JSON.stringify(simplifiedExpected);
* @param {TokenStream} actual
* @param {string} expected
* @param {(firstDifference: number) => string} message
* @returns {void}
assertEqual(actual, expected, message) {
const simplifiedActual = TokenStreamTransformer.simplify(actual);
const simplifiedExpected = JSON.parse(expected);
const actualString = JSON.stringify(simplifiedActual);
const expectedString = JSON.stringify(simplifiedExpected);
const difference = firstDiff(expectedString, actualString);
if (difference === undefined) {
// both are equal
// The index of the first difference between the expected token stream and the actual token stream.
// The index is in the raw expected token stream JSON of the test case.
const diffIndex = translateIndexIgnoreSpaces(expected, expectedString, difference);
assert.deepEqual(simplifiedActual, simplifiedExpected, message(diffIndex));
* @implements {Runner<string>}
class HighlightHTMLRunner {
* @param {Prism} Prism
* @param {string} code
* @param {string} language
* @returns {string}
run(Prism, code, language) {
const env = {
element: {},
grammar: Prism.languages[language],
};'before-highlight', env);
env.highlightedCode = Prism.highlight(env.code, env.grammar, env.language);'before-insert', env);
env.element.innerHTML = env.highlightedCode;'after-highlight', env);'complete', env);
return env.highlightedCode;
* @param {string} actual
* @returns {string}
print(actual) {
return Prettier.format(actual, {
printWidth: 100,
tabWidth: 4,
useTabs: true,
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'ignore',
filepath: 'fake.html',
* @param {string} actual
* @param {string} expected
* @returns {boolean}
isEqual(actual, expected) {
return this.normalize(actual) === this.normalize(expected);
* @param {string} actual
* @param {string} expected
* @param {(firstDifference: number) => string} message
* @returns {void}
assertEqual(actual, expected, message) {
// We don't calculate the index of the first difference because it's difficult.
assert.deepEqual(this.normalize(actual), this.normalize(expected), message(0));
* Normalizes the given HTML by removing all leading spaces and trailing spaces. Line breaks will also be normalized
* to enable good diffing.
* @param {string} html
* @returns {string}
normalize(html) {
return html
.replace(/</g, '\n<')
.replace(/>/g, '>\n')
.replace(/[ \t]*[\r\n]\s*/g, '\n')
module.exports = {
* Runs the given test case file and asserts the result
* The passed language identifier can either be a language like "css" or a composed language
* identifier like "css+markup". Composed identifiers can be used for testing language inclusion.
* When testing language inclusion, the first given language is the main language which will be passed
* to Prism for highlighting ("css+markup" will result in a call to Prism to highlight with the "css" grammar).
* But it will be ensured, that the additional passed languages will be loaded too.
* The languages will be loaded in the order they were provided.
* @param {string} languageIdentifier
* @param {string} filePath
* @param {"none" | "insert" | "update"} updateMode
runTestCase(languageIdentifier, filePath, updateMode) {
if (/\.html\.test$/i.test(filePath)) {
this.runTestCaseWithRunner(languageIdentifier, filePath, updateMode, new HighlightHTMLRunner());
} else {
this.runTestCaseWithRunner(languageIdentifier, filePath, updateMode, new TokenizeJSONRunner());
* @param {string} languageIdentifier
* @param {string} filePath
* @param {"none" | "insert" | "update"} updateMode
* @param {Runner<T>} runner
* @template T
runTestCaseWithRunner(languageIdentifier, filePath, updateMode, runner) {
const testCase = TestCaseFile.readFromFile(filePath);
const usedLanguages = this.parseLanguageNames(languageIdentifier);
const Prism = PrismLoader.createInstance(usedLanguages.languages);
// the first language is the main language to highlight
const actualValue =, testCase.code, usedLanguages.mainLanguage);
function updateFile() {
// change the file
testCase.expected = runner.print(actualValue);
if (!testCase.expected) {
// the test case doesn't have an expected value
if (updateMode === 'none') {
throw new Error('This test case doesn\'t have an expected token stream.'
+ ' Either add the JSON of a token stream or run \`npm run test:languages -- --insert\`'
+ ' to automatically add the current token stream.');
} else {
// there is an expected value
if (runner.isEqual(actualValue, testCase.expected)) {
// no difference
if (updateMode === 'update') {
runner.assertEqual(actualValue, testCase.expected, diffIndex => {
const expectedLines = testCase.expected.substr(0, diffIndex).split(/\r\n?|\n/g);
const columnNumber = expectedLines.pop().length + 1;
const lineNumber = testCase.expectedLineStart + expectedLines.length;
return testCase.description +
`\nThe expected token stream differs from the actual token stream.` +
` Either change the ${usedLanguages.mainLanguage} language or update the expected token stream.` +
` Run \`npm run test:languages -- --update\` to update all missing or incorrect expected token streams.` +
`\n\n\nActual Token Stream:` +
`\n-----------------------------------------\n` +
runner.print(actualValue) +
`\n-----------------------------------------\n` +
`File: ${filePath}:${lineNumber}:${columnNumber}\n\n`;
* Parses the language names and finds the main language.
* It is either the last language or the language followed by a exclamation mark “!”.
* There should only be one language with an exclamation mark.
* @param {string} languageIdentifier
* @returns {{languages: string[], mainLanguage: string}}
parseLanguageNames(languageIdentifier) {
let languages = languageIdentifier.split('+');
let mainLanguage = null;
languages =
function (language) {
const pos = language.indexOf('!');
if (-1 < pos) {
if (mainLanguage) {
throw 'There are multiple main languages defined.';
mainLanguage = language.replace('!', '');
return mainLanguage;
return language;
if (!mainLanguage) {
mainLanguage = languages[languages.length - 1];
return {
languages: languages,
mainLanguage: mainLanguage
* Returns the token stream of the given code highlighted with `language`.
* The `before-tokenize` and `after-tokenize` hooks will also be executed.
* @param {import('../../components/prism-core')} Prism The Prism instance which will tokenize `code`.
* @param {string} code The code to tokenize.
* @param {string} language The language id.
* @returns {TokenStream}
function tokenize(Prism, code, language) {
const env = {
grammar: Prism.languages[language],
};'before-tokenize', env);
env.tokens = Prism.tokenize(env.code, env.grammar);'after-tokenize', env);
return env.tokens;
* Returns the index at which the given expected string differs from the given actual string.
* This will returns `undefined` if the strings are equal.
* @param {string} expected
* @param {string} actual
* @returns {number | undefined}
function firstDiff(expected, actual) {
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
while (i < expected.length && j < actual.length) {
if (expected[i] !== actual[j]) {
return i;
i++; j++;
if (i == expected.length && j == actual.length) {
return undefined;
return i;
* Translates an index within a string (`withoutSpaces`) to the index of another string (`spacey`) where the only
* difference between the two strings is that the other string can have any number of additional white spaces at any
* position.
* In out use case, the `withoutSpaces` string is an unformatted JSON string and the `spacey` string is a formatted JSON
* string.
* @param {string} spacey
* @param {string} withoutSpaces
* @param {number} withoutSpaceIndex
* @returns {number | undefined}
function translateIndexIgnoreSpaces(spacey, withoutSpaces, withoutSpaceIndex) {
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
while (i < spacey.length && j < withoutSpaces.length) {
while (spacey[i] !== withoutSpaces[j]) {
if (j === withoutSpaceIndex) {
return i;
i++; j++;
return undefined;