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<h2>Known failures</h2>
<p>A list of rare edge cases where Prism highlights code incorrectly.</p>
<p>There are certain edge cases where Prism will fail. There are always such cases in every regex-based syntax highlighter. <br>
However, Prism dares to be open and honest about them. If a failure is listed here, it doesnt mean it will never be fixed. This is more of a “known bugs” list, just with a certain type of bug.</p>
<section class="language-applescript">
<h3>Comments only support one level of nesting</h3>
<pre><code>(* Nested block
(* comments
(* on more than
2 levels *)
are *)
not supported *)</code></pre>
<section class="language-autoit">
<h3>Nested block comments</h3>
<section class="language-bison">
<h3>Two levels of nesting inside C section</h3>
if($1) {
if($2) {
} // &lt;- Broken
<section class="language-d">
<h3>Comments only support one level of nesting</h3>
<pre><code>/+ /+ /+ this does not work +/ +/ +/</code></pre>
<h3>Token strings only support one level of nesting</h3>
<pre><code>q{ q{ q{ this does not work } } }</code></pre>
<section class="language-elixir">
<h3>String interpolation in single-quoted strings</h3>
<pre><code>'#{:atom} &lt;- this should not be highligted'</code></pre>
<section class="language-groovy">
<h3>Two divisions on the same line</h3>
<pre><code>2 / 3 / 4</code></pre>
<section class="language-inform7">
<h3>Names starting with a number</h3>
<pre><code>The box 1A is a container</code></pre>
<section class="language-javascript">
<h3>String interpolation containing a closing brace</h3>
<pre><code>`${ /* } */ a + b }`
`${ '}' }`</code></pre>
<h3>String interpolation with deeply nested braces</h3>
<pre><code>`${foo({ a: { b: { c: true } } })}`</code></pre>
<section class="language-less">
<h3>At-rules looking like variables</h3>
<pre><code>@import "some file.less";</code></pre>
<h3>At-rules containing interpolation</h3>
<pre><code>@import "@{themes}/tidal-wave.less";</code></pre>
<h3>extend is not highlighted consistently</h3>
<pre><code>nav ul {
background: blue;
.a:extend(.b) {}</code></pre>
<section class="language-lua">
<h3>Functions with a single string parameter not using parentheses are not highlighted</h3>
<section class="language-nasm">
<h3>Numbers with underscores</h3>
<pre><code>mov ax,1100_1000b
mov ax,1100_1000y
mov ax,0b1100_1000
mov ax,0y1100_1000
dd 1.222_222_222</code></pre>
<section class="language-parser">
<h3>Code block starting with a comment</h3>
<pre><code># Doesn't work
# Does work</code></pre>
<pre><code> # Does work when prefixed with a space</code></pre>
<h3>Comments inside expressions break literals and operators</h3>
$age>=4 # not too young
&& $age&lt;=80 # and not too old
<section class="language-prolog">
<h3>Null-ary predicates are not highlighted</h3>
:- if(test1).
:- elif(test2).
:- elif(test3).
:- else.
:- endif.</code></pre>
<section class="language-puppet">
<h3>More than one level of nested braces inside interpolation</h3>
<pre><code>"Foobar ${foo({
bar => {baz => 42}
baz => 42
})} &lt;- broken"</code></pre>
<section class="language-python">
<h3>Interpolation expressions containing strings with <code>{</code> or <code>}</code></h3>
<section class="language-q">
<h3>The global context is highlighted as a verb</h3>
<pre><code>\d .</code></pre>
<section class="language-rest">
<h3>Nothing is highlighted inside table cells</h3>
| column 1 | column 2 |
| **bold**? | *italic*? |
<h3>The inline markup recognition rules are not as strict as they are in the spec</h3>
<p>No inline markup should be highlighted in the following code.</p>
<pre><code>2 * x a ** b (* BOM32_* ` `` _ __ |
"*" '|' (*) [*] {*} &lt;*> * * * * * “*” „*“ “*„ ”*” „*” »*« * «*» »*» *</code></pre>
<section class="language-rust">
<h3>Nested block comments</h3>
<pre><code>/* Nested block
/* comments
are */
not supported */</code></pre>
<h3>Delimiters of parameters for closures that don't use braces</h3>
<pre><code>|x| x + 1i;</code></pre>
<section class="language-sass">
<h3>Deprecated Sass syntax is not supported</h3>
color = 5px + 9px
!width = 13px
width = !width</code></pre>
<h3>Selectors with pseudo classes are highlighted as property/value pairs</h3>
text-decoration: underline</code></pre>
<section class="language-scala">
<h3>Nested block comments</h3>
<pre><code>/* Nested block
/* comments
are */
not supported */</code></pre>
2020-04-08 02:32:39 +08:00
<section class="language-scheme">
<h3>The first argument of <code>case-lambda</code> argument lists are highlighted as functions</h3>
<pre><code>(define plus
(() 0)
((x) x)
((x y) (+ x y))
((x y z) (+ (+ x y) z))
(args (apply + args))))</code></pre>
<section class="language-swift">
<h3>Nested block comments</h3>
<pre><code>/* Nested block
/* comments
are */
not supported */</code></pre>
<section class="language-textile">
<h3>HTML inside Textile is not supported</h3>
<p>But Textile inside HTML should be just fine.</p>
<pre><code>&lt;strong>This _should_ work properly.&lt;/strong>
*But this is &lt;em>definitely&lt;/em> broken.*</code></pre>
<section class="language-twig">
<h3>Tag containing Twig is not highlighted</h3>
<pre><code>&lt;div{% if foo %} class="bar"{% endif %}>&lt;/div></code></pre>
<section class="language-wiki">
<h3>Nested magic words are not supported</h3>
| L'Aquila = No translation
| L = Not OK
| L&apos;Aquila = Entity escaping
| L&#39;Aquila = Numeric char encoding
<h3>Nesting of bold and italic is not supported</h3>
<pre><code>''Italic with '''bold''' inside''</code></pre>
<h1 id="themes">Themes</h1>
<p>Some of our themes are not compatible with certain layouts.</p>
<p>Coy's shadows and background might not wrap around the code correctly if combined with float of flexbox layouts.</p>
<img src="assets/img/failures/coy-overlap.png"/>
<p>There are 2 possible workarounds:</p>
<p>The first workaround is setting <code>display: flex-root;</code> for the <code>pre</code> element. This will fix the issue but <code>flex-root</code> has <a href="">limited browser support</a>.</p>
<p>The second is adding <code>clear: both;</code> to the style of the <code>pre</code> element. This will fix the issue but it will change the way code blocks behave when overlapping with other elements.</p>
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