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2021-08-17 02:08:13 +08:00
// @ts-check
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const { argv } = require('yargs');
const fetch = require('node-fetch').default;
const Benchmark = require('benchmark');
const simpleGit = require('simple-git');
2021-08-17 02:08:13 +08:00
const { parseLanguageNames } = require('../tests/helper/test-case');
* @param {import("./config").Config} config
async function runBenchmark(config) {
const cases = await getCases(config);
const candidates = await getCandidates(config);
const maxCandidateNameLength = candidates.reduce((a, c) => Math.max(a,, 0);
const totalNumberOfCaseFiles = cases.reduce((a, c) => a + c.files.length, 0);
console.log(`Found ${cases.length} cases with ${totalNumberOfCaseFiles} files in total.`);
console.log(`Test ${candidates.length} candidates with Prism.${config.options.testFunction}`);
const estimate = candidates.length * totalNumberOfCaseFiles * config.options.maxTime;
console.log(`Estimated duration: ${Math.floor(estimate / 60)}m ${Math.floor(estimate % 60)}s`);
* @type {Summary[]}
* @typedef {{ best: number; worst: number, relative: number[], avgRelative?: number }} Summary
const totalSummary = Array.from({ length: candidates.length }, () => ({ best: 0, worst: 0, relative: [] }));
for (const $case of cases) {
if ($ !== $case.language) {
console.log(`${$} (${$case.language})`);
} else {
// prepare candidates
const warmupCode = await fs.promises.readFile($case.files[0].path, 'utf8');
/** @type {[string, (code: string) => void][]} */
const candidateFunctions ={ name, setup }) => {
const fn = setup($case.language, $case.languages);
fn(warmupCode); // warmup
return [name, fn];
// bench all files
for (const caseFile of $case.files) {
console.log(` ${caseFile.uri} \x1b[90m(${Math.round(caseFile.size / 1024)} kB)\x1b[0m`);
const code = await fs.promises.readFile(caseFile.path, 'utf8');
const results = measureCandidates([name, fn]) => [name, () => fn(code)]), {
maxTime: config.options.maxTime,
minSamples: 1,
delay: 0,
const min = results.reduce((a, c) => Math.min(a, c.stats.mean), Infinity);
const max = results.reduce((a, c) => Math.max(a, c.stats.mean), -Infinity);
const minIndex = results.findIndex(x => x.stats.mean === min);
const maxIndex = results.findIndex(x => x.stats.mean === max);
const best = getBest(results);
const worst = getWorst(results);
results.forEach((r, index) => {
const name =, ' ');
const mean = (r.stats.mean * 1000).toFixed(2).padStart(8) + 'ms';
const r_moe = (100 * / r.stats.mean).toFixed(0).padStart(3) + '%';
const smp = r.stats.sample.length.toString().padStart(4) + 'smp';
const relativeMean = r.stats.mean / min;
const relative = relativeMean === 1 ? ' '.repeat(5) : (relativeMean.toFixed(2) + 'x').padStart(5);
const color = r === best ? '\x1b[32m' : r === worst ? '\x1b[31m' : '\x1b[0m';
console.log(` \x1b[90m| ${color}${name} ${mean} ±${r_moe} ${smp} ${relative}\x1b[0m`);
// total summary
console.log(`${' '.repeat(maxCandidateNameLength + 2)} \x1b[90mbest worst relative\x1b[0m`);
totalSummary.forEach(s => {
s.avgRelative = s.relative.reduce((a, c) => a + c, 0) / s.relative.length;
const minAvgRelative = totalSummary.reduce((a, c) => Math.min(a, c.avgRelative), Infinity);
totalSummary.forEach((s, i) => {
const name = candidates[i].name.padEnd(maxCandidateNameLength, ' ');
const best = String('best'.length);
const worst = String(s.worst).padStart('worst'.length);
const relative = ((s.avgRelative / minAvgRelative).toFixed(2) + 'x').padStart('relative'.length);
console.log(` ${name} ${best} ${worst} ${relative}`);
function getConfig() {
const base = require('./config.js');
const args = /** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */(argv);
if (typeof args.testFunction === 'string') {
// @ts-ignore
base.options.testFunction = args.testFunction;
if (typeof args.maxTime === 'number') {
base.options.maxTime = args.maxTime;
if (typeof args.language === 'string') {
base.options.language = args.language;
if (typeof args.remotesOnly === 'boolean') {
base.options.remotesOnly = args.remotesOnly;
return base;
* @param {import("./config").Config} config
* @returns {Promise<Case[]>}
* @typedef Case
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} language The main language.
* @property {string[]} languages All languages that have to be loaded.
* @property {FileInfo[]} files
async function getCases(config) {
/** @type {Map<string, ReadonlySet<FileInfo>>} */
const caseFileCache = new Map();
* Returns all files of the test case with the given id.
* @param {string} id
* @returns {Promise<ReadonlySet<FileInfo>>}
async function getCaseFiles(id) {
if (caseFileCache.has(id)) {
return caseFileCache.get(id);
const caseEntry = config.cases[id];
if (!caseEntry) {
throw new Error(`Unknown case "${id}"`);
/** @type {Set<FileInfo>} */
const files = new Set();
caseFileCache.set(id, files);
await Promise.all(toArray(caseEntry.files).map(async uri => {
files.add(await getFileInfo(uri));
for (const extendId of toArray(caseEntry.extends)) {
(await getCaseFiles(extendId)).forEach(info => files.add(info));
return files;
* Returns whether the case is enabled by the options provided by the user.
* @param {string[]} languages
* @returns {boolean}
function isEnabled(languages) {
if (config.options.language) {
// test whether the given languages contain any of the required languages
const required = new Set(config.options.language.split(/,/g).filter(Boolean));
return languages.some(l => required.has(l));
return true;
/** @type {Case[]} */
const cases = [];
for (const id of Object.keys(config.cases)) {
const parsed = parseLanguageNames(id);
if (!isEnabled(parsed.languages)) {
language: parsed.mainLanguage,
languages: parsed.languages,
files: [...await getCaseFiles(id)].sort((a, b) => a.uri.localeCompare(b.uri)),
cases.sort((a, b) =>;
return cases;
/** @type {Map<string, Promise<FileInfo>>} */
const fileInfoCache = new Map();
* Returns the path and other information for the given file identifier.
* @param {string} uri
* @returns {Promise<FileInfo>}
* @typedef {{ uri: string, path: string, size: number }} FileInfo
function getFileInfo(uri) {
let info = fileInfoCache.get(uri);
if (info === undefined) {
info = getFileInfoUncached(uri);
fileInfoCache.set(uri, info);
return info;
* @param {string} uri
* @returns {Promise<FileInfo>}
async function getFileInfoUncached(uri) {
const p = await getFilePath(uri);
const stat = await fs.promises.stat(p);
if (stat.isFile()) {
return {
path: p,
size: stat.size
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown file "${uri}"`);
* Returns the local path of the given file identifier.
* @param {string} uri
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async function getFilePath(uri) {
if (/^https:\/\//.test(uri)) {
// it's a URL, so let's download the file (if not downloaded already)
const downloadDir = path.join(__dirname, 'downloads');
await fs.promises.mkdir(downloadDir, { recursive: true });
// file path
const hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(uri).digest('hex');
const localPath = path.resolve(downloadDir, hash + '-' + /[-\w\.]*$/.exec(uri)[0]);
if (!fs.existsSync(localPath)) {
// download file
console.log(`Downloading ${uri}...`);
await fs.promises.writeFile(localPath, await fetch(uri).then(r => r.text()), 'utf8');
return localPath;
// assume that it's a local file
return path.resolve(__dirname, uri);
* @param {Iterable<[string, () => void]>} candidates
* @param {import("benchmark").Options} [options]
* @returns {Result[]}
* @typedef {{ name: string, stats: import("benchmark").Stats }} Result
function measureCandidates(candidates, options) {
const suite = new Benchmark.Suite('temp name');
for (const [name, fn] of candidates) {
suite.add(name, fn, options);
/** @type {Result[]} */
const results = [];
suite.on('cycle', event => {
return results;
* @param {Result[]} results
* @returns {Result | null}
function getBest(results) {
if (results.length >= 2) {
const sorted = [...results].sort((a, b) => a.stats.mean - b.stats.mean);
const best = sorted[0].stats;
const secondBest = sorted[1].stats;
// basically, it's only the best if the two means plus their moe are disjoint
if (best.mean + + < secondBest.mean) {
return sorted[0];
return null;
* @param {Result[]} results
* @returns {Result | null}
function getWorst(results) {
if (results.length >= 2) {
const sorted = [...results].sort((a, b) => b.stats.mean - a.stats.mean);
const worst = sorted[0].stats;
const secondWorst = sorted[1].stats;
// basically, it's only the best if the two means plus their moe are disjoint
// (moe = margin of error;
if (worst.mean - - > secondWorst.mean) {
return sorted[0];
return null;
* Create a new test function from the given Prism instance.
* @param {any} Prism
* @param {string} mainLanguage
* @param {string} testFunction
* @returns {(code: string) => void}
function createTestFunction(Prism, mainLanguage, testFunction) {
if (testFunction === 'tokenize') {
return (code) => {
Prism.tokenize(code, Prism.languages[mainLanguage]);
} else if (testFunction === 'highlight') {
return (code) => {
Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[mainLanguage], mainLanguage);
} else {
throw new Error(`Unknown test function "${testFunction}"`);
* @param {import("./config").Config} config
* @returns {Promise<Candidate[]>}
* @typedef Candidate
* @property {string} name
* @property {(mainLanguage: string, languages: string[]) => (code: string) => void} setup
async function getCandidates(config) {
/** @type {Candidate[]} */
const candidates = [];
// local
if (!config.options.remotesOnly) {
const localPrismLoader = require('../tests/helper/prism-loader');
name: 'local',
setup(mainLanguage, languages) {
const Prism = localPrismLoader.createInstance(languages);
return createTestFunction(Prism, mainLanguage, config.options.testFunction);
// remotes
// prepare base directory
const remoteBaseDir = path.join(__dirname, 'remotes');
await fs.promises.mkdir(remoteBaseDir, { recursive: true });
const baseGit = simpleGit.gitP(remoteBaseDir);
2021-08-17 02:08:13 +08:00
for (const remote of config.remotes) {
const user = /[^/]+(?=\/prism.git)/.exec(remote.repo);
const branch = remote.branch || 'master';
const remoteName = `${user}@${branch}`;
const remoteDir = path.join(remoteBaseDir, `${user}@${branch}`);
let remoteGit;
if (!fs.existsSync(remoteDir)) {
console.log(`Cloning ${remote.repo}`);
await baseGit.clone(remote.repo, remoteName);
remoteGit = simpleGit.gitP(remoteDir);
2021-08-17 02:08:13 +08:00
} else {
remoteGit = simpleGit.gitP(remoteDir);
2021-08-17 02:08:13 +08:00
await remoteGit.fetch('origin', branch); // get latest version of branch
await remoteGit.checkout(branch); // switch to branch
const remotePrismLoader = require(path.join(remoteDir, 'tests/helper/prism-loader'));
name: remoteName,
setup(mainLanguage, languages) {
const Prism = remotePrismLoader.createInstance(languages);
return createTestFunction(Prism, mainLanguage, config.options.testFunction);
return candidates;
* A utility function that converts the given optional array-like value into an array.
* @param {T[] | T | undefined | null} value
* @returns {readonly T[]}
* @template T
function toArray(value) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
} else if (value != undefined) {
return [value];
} else {
return [];