/** * Sakura halo分支主题, 基于Siren制作 * @author LIlGG * @url https://lixingyong.com * @date 2020.06.01 */ "use strict"; // 附加补充功能 var LIlGGAttachContext = { // 补充功能的PJAX PJAX: function () { // 加载动态属性 LIlGGAttachContext.LA(); // 背景图片点击 LIlGGAttachContext.BGEVEN(); // 暂停背景视频 if (Poi.headFocus && Poi.bgvideo) LIlGGAttachContext.BGV().bgPause(); // 渲染主题 LIlGGAttachContext.CBG().changeSkinSecter(); try { $("#to-load-aplayer").on("click", function () { reloadAplayer(); $("div").remove(".load-aplayer"); }); if ($("div").hasClass("aplayer")) { reloadAplayer(); } } catch (e) { } Poi.toc && LIlGGAttachContext.TOC(); // 文章目录 LIlGGAttachContext.MINI_CODE(); // 迷你代码块 PageAttr.isPost === "true" && LIlGGAttachContext.POST_CONTEXT(); // 文章内容处理 LIlGGAttachContext.CHS(); // 代码样式 LIlGGAttachContext.PHO(); // 图库功能 LIlGGAttachContext.CMN(); // 评论组件 LIlGGAttachContext.SS(); // 日志功能 // i18n I18N.init(); }, // 背景视频 BGV: function () { var $bg_video_btn = $("#video-btn"), $bg_video = $("#bgvideo"), $bg_video_stu = $(".video-stu"), $bg_video_add = $("#video-add"), dom = $bg_video[0], flvPlayer, mediaBlob; var bindBgVideoEvent = function () { $bg_video_btn.on("click", function () { if ($(this).hasClass("loadvideo")) { $(this).removeClass("loadvideo").hide(); loadSource(); } else { if ($(this).hasClass("video-pause")) { bgPause(); $bg_video_btn.removeClass("videolive"); } else { bgPlay(); $bg_video_btn.addClass("videolive"); } } }); dom.oncanplay = function () { bgPlay(); $bg_video_add.show(); $bg_video_btn.addClass("videolive"); $bg_video_btn.addClass("haslive"); }; dom.onended = function () { defaultStyle(); flvPlayer.pause() flvPlayer.unload() flvPlayer.detachMediaElement() flvPlayer.destroy() flvPlayer = null }; $bg_video_add.on("click", function () { loadSource(); }); }; var defaultStyle = function () { $bg_video_add.hide(); $bg_video_btn.addClass("loadvideo").removeClass("video-pause"); $bg_video_btn.removeClass("videolive"); $bg_video_btn.removeClass("haslive"); $(".focusinfo").css({ top: "49.3%", }); } var bgPlay = function () { $bg_video_btn.addClass("video-pause").removeClass("video-play").show(); $bg_video_stu.css({ bottom: "-100px", }); $(".focusinfo").css({ top: "-999px", }); $("#banner_wave_1").addClass("banner_wave_hide"); $("#banner_wave_2").addClass("banner_wave_hide"); flvPlayer.play(); }; var bgPause = function () { if (dom.oncanplay != undefined && $(".haslive").length > 0) { $bg_video_btn.addClass("video-play").removeClass("video-pause"); $bg_video_stu .css({ bottom: "0px", }) .html("已暂停 ..."); $(".focusinfo").css({ top: "49.3%", }); $("#banner_wave_1").removeClass("banner_wave_hide"); $("#banner_wave_2").removeClass("banner_wave_hide"); dom.pause(); } }; try { var loadSource = function () { function handleResult(result) { var config; $bg_video_stu.html("正在载入视频 ...").css({ bottom: "0px", }); // 这里开始自定义的选项,根据不同的服务接口,处理不同的逻辑(具有较强的独特性) switch (result.server) { case "bilibili": switch (result.type) { case "mp4": result["url"] = result["playUrl"][0]["url"]; break; case "m4s": throw new RuntimeException("目前暂不支持m4s格式"); default: if (result.type.indexOf("flv") != -1) { result.type = "flv"; } result["segments"] = result["playUrl"]; for (var i = 0; i < result["segments"].length; i++) { result["segments"][i]["duration"] = result["segments"][i]["length"]; result["segments"][i]["filesize"] = result["segments"][i]["size"]; } var isCache = result["segments"][0]["isCached"] config = isCache ? 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" + "# For commercial use, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial use, please indicate the source.
" + "# 协议(License):署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
" + "# 作者(Author):" + Poi.nickname + "
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" + "# 来源(Source):" + Poi.sitename + "

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For non-commercial use, please indicate the source.\n" + "# 协议(License):署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)\n" + "# 作者(Author):" + Poi.nickname + "\n" + "# 链接(URL):" + window.location.href + "\n" + "# 来源(Source):" + Poi.sitename + "\n\n" + window.getSelection().toString().replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); if (event.clipboardData) { event.clipboardData.setData("text/html", htmlData); event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", textData); } else if (window.clipboardData) { return window.clipboardData.setData("text", textData); } }; }, // 图库功能 PHO: function () { var $photoPage = $(".photo-page"); // 判断当前是否为图库界面 if ($photoPage.length == 0) { return; } // 渲染图库信息 var $masonrys = $(".masonry-gallery.gallery"); var justify = function () { var option = { margins: isNaN(Poi.photosGutter) ? 10 : Number(Poi.photosGutter), rowHeight: 200, } // 默认过滤 if (Poi.defaultGroup) { var filter = "." + Poi.defaultGroup; $("#gallery-filter li a").removeClass("active"); $("#gallery-filter li a").each(function() { if ($(this).data("filter") == filter) { $(this).addClass("active"); return false; } }) option.filter = filter } $masonrys.justifiedGallery(option); // 过滤 $("#gallery-filter li a").on("click", function () { $("#gallery-filter li a").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); var dataFilter = $(this).data("filter"); $masonrys.justifiedGallery({ filter: dataFilter, }); return false; }); }; var masonry = function () { var option = Poi.photosStyle == "masonry" ? 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