package; import dev.leons.ward.Ward; import dev.leons.ward.dto.ResponseDto; import dev.leons.ward.dto.SetupDto; import dev.leons.ward.exceptions.ApplicationAlreadyConfiguredException; import org.ini4j.Ini; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; /** * SetupService manipulating setup data * * @author Rudolf Barbu * @version 1.0.2 */ @Service public class SetupService { /** * Constant, that providing setup section name */ private static final String SECTION_NAME = "setup"; /** * Puts new data in ini file * * @param file ini file * @param optionName option in section * @throws IOException if file does not exists */ private static void putInIniFile(final File file, final String optionName, final String value) throws IOException { Ini ini = new Ini(file); ini.put(SECTION_NAME, optionName, value);; } /** * Fills setup data in ini file * * @param setupDto user settings data * @return ResponseEntityWrapperAsset filled with ResponseDto * @throws IOException IoException if file is fot found, and cant be created */ public ResponseDto postSetup(final SetupDto setupDto) throws IOException, ApplicationAlreadyConfiguredException { if (Ward.isFirstLaunch()) { File file = new File(Ward.SETUP_FILE_PATH); if (file.createNewFile()) { putInIniFile(file, "serverName", setupDto.getServerName()); putInIniFile(file, "theme", setupDto.getTheme()); putInIniFile(file, "port", setupDto.getPort()); Ward.restart(); } else { throw new IOException(); } } else { throw new ApplicationAlreadyConfiguredException(); } return new ResponseDto("Settings saved correctly"); } public static ResponseDto envSetup() { if (Ward.isFirstLaunch()) { try { File file = new File(Ward.SETUP_FILE_PATH); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } if (file.createNewFile()) { String servername = (System.getenv("WARD_NAME") != null) ? System.getenv("WARD_NAME") : "Ward"; String theme = (System.getenv("WARD_THEME") != null) ? System.getenv("WARD_THEME").toLowerCase() : "light"; String port = (System.getenv("WARD_PORT") != null) ? System.getenv("WARD_PORT") : "4000"; putInIniFile(file, "serverName", servername); putInIniFile(file, "theme", theme); putInIniFile(file, "port", port); Ward.restart(); } else { throw new IOException(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return new ResponseDto("Settings saved correctly"); } }