
567 lines
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/* Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
* (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
* Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
* FTL Engine
* DNS Client Implementation
* This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
* Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */
#include "FTL.h"
#include "resolve.h"
#include "shmem.h"
#include "memory.h"
// struct config
#include "config.h"
// sleepms()
#include "timers.h"
// logg()
#include "log.h"
// global variable killed
#include "signals.h"
// getDatabaseHostname()
#include "database/network-table.h"
// struct _res
#include <resolv.h>
// resolveNetworkTableNames()
#include "database/network-table.h"
// resolver_ready
#include "daemon.h"
// logg_hostname_warning()
#include "database/message-table.h"
// Eventqueue routines
#include "events.h"
static bool res_initialized = false;
// Validate given hostname
static bool valid_hostname(char* name, const char* clientip)
// Check for validity of input
if(name == NULL)
return false;
// Check for maximum length of hostname
// Truncate if too long (MAXHOSTNAMELEN defaults to 64, see asm-generic/param.h)
if(strlen(name) > MAXHOSTNAMELEN)
logg("WARNING: Hostname of client %s too long, truncating to %d chars!",
// We can modify the string in-place as the target is
// shorter than the source
name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN] = '\0';
// Iterate over characters in hostname
// to check for legal char: A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ .
unsigned int len = strlen(name);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
const char c = name[i];
if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
c == '-' ||
c == '_' ||
c == '.' )
// Invalid character found, log and return hostname being invalid
logg_hostname_warning(clientip, name, i);
return false;
// No invalid characters found
return true;
static void print_used_resolvers(const char *message)
logg("%s", message);
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < 2*MAXNS; i++)
int family;
in_port_t port;
void *addr = NULL;
if(i < MAXNS)
// IPv4 name servers
addr = &_res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_addr;
port = ntohs(_res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_port);
family = AF_INET;
// Extension name servers (typically IPv6)
// Some of the entries may not be configured
if(_res._u._ext.nsaddrs[i - MAXNS] == NULL)
addr = &_res._u._ext.nsaddrs[i - MAXNS]->sin6_addr;
port = ntohs(_res._u._ext.nsaddrs[i - MAXNS]->sin6_port);
family = _res._u._ext.nsaddrs[i - MAXNS]->sin6_family;
// Convert nameserver information to human-readable form
char nsname[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
inet_ntop(family, addr, nsname, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
logg(" %u: %s:%d (IPv%i)", i, nsname, port,
family == AF_INET ? 4 : 6);
// Return if we want to resolve address to names at all
// (may be disabled due to config settings)
bool __attribute__((pure)) resolve_names(void)
if(!config.resolveIPv4 && !config.resolveIPv6)
return false;
return true;
// Return if we want to resolve this type of address to a name
bool __attribute__((pure)) resolve_this_name(const char *ipaddr)
if(!config.resolveIPv4 ||
(!config.resolveIPv6 && strstr(ipaddr,":") != NULL))
return false;
return true;
char *resolveHostname(const char *addr)
// Get host name
struct hostent *he = NULL;
char *hostname = NULL;
// Check if we want to resolve host names
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg("Configured to not resolve host name for %s", addr);
// Return an empty host name
return strdup("");
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg("Trying to resolve %s", addr);
// Check if this is a hidden client
// if so, return "hidden" as hostname
if(strcmp(addr, "") == 0)
hostname = strdup("hidden");
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg("---> \"%s\" (privacy settings)", hostname);
return hostname;
// Test if we want to resolve an IPv6 address
bool IPv6 = false;
if(strstr(addr,":") != NULL)
IPv6 = true;
// Initialize resolver subroutines if trying to resolve for the first time
// res_init() reads resolv.conf to get the default domain name and name server
// address(es). If no server is given, the local host is tried. If no domain
// is given, that associated with the local host is used.
res_initialized = true;
// Step 1: Backup configured name servers and invalidate them
struct in_addr ns_addr_bck[MAXNS];
in_port_t ns_port_bck[MAXNS];
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < MAXNS; i++)
ns_addr_bck[i] = _res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_addr;
ns_port_bck[i] = _res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_port;
_res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_addr.s_addr = 0; //
// Step 2: Set (FTL) as the only resolver
const char *FTLip = "";
// Set resolver address
inet_pton(AF_INET, FTLip, &_res.nsaddr_list[0].sin_addr);
// Set resolver port (have to convert from host to network byte order)
_res.nsaddr_list[0].sin_port = htons(config.dns_port);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
print_used_resolvers("Setting nameservers to:");
// Step 3: Try to resolve addresses
if(IPv6) // Resolve IPv6 address
struct in6_addr ipaddr;
inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &ipaddr);
// Known to leak some tiny amounts of memory under certain conditions
he = gethostbyaddr(&ipaddr, sizeof ipaddr, AF_INET6);
else // Resolve IPv4 address
struct in_addr ipaddr;
inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &ipaddr);
// Known to leak some tiny amounts of memory under certain conditions
he = gethostbyaddr(&ipaddr, sizeof ipaddr, AF_INET);
// Step 4: Check if gethostbyaddr() returned a host name
// First check for he not being NULL before trying to dereference it
if(he != NULL)
if(valid_hostname(he->h_name, addr))
// Return hostname copied to new memory location
hostname = strdup(he->h_name);
hostname = strdup("[invalid host name]");
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg(" ---> \"%s\" (found internally)", hostname);
// Step 5: Restore resolvers (without forced FTL)
for(unsigned int i = 0u; i < MAXNS; i++)
_res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_addr = ns_addr_bck[i];
_res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_port = ns_port_bck[i];
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
print_used_resolvers("Setting nameservers back to default:");
// Step 6: If no host name was found before, try again with system-configured
// resolvers (necessary for docker and friends)
if(hostname == NULL)
if(IPv6) // Resolve IPv6 address
struct in6_addr ipaddr;
inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &ipaddr);
// Known to leak some tiny amounts of memory under certain conditions
he = gethostbyaddr(&ipaddr, sizeof ipaddr, AF_INET6);
else // Resolve IPv4 address
struct in_addr ipaddr;
inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &ipaddr);
// Known to leak some tiny amounts of memory under certain conditions
he = gethostbyaddr(&ipaddr, sizeof ipaddr, AF_INET);
// Step 6.1: Check if gethostbyaddr() returned a host name this time
// First check for he not being NULL before trying to dereference it
if(he != NULL)
if(valid_hostname(he->h_name, addr))
// Return hostname copied to new memory location
hostname = strdup(he->h_name);
hostname = strdup("[invalid host name]");
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg(" ---> \"%s\" (found externally)", hostname);
// No hostname found (empty PTR)
hostname = strdup("");
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg(" ---> \"%s\" (%s)", hostname, he != NULL ? he->h_name : "N/A");
// Return result
return hostname;
// Resolve upstream destination host names
static size_t resolveAndAddHostname(size_t ippos, size_t oldnamepos)
// Get IP and host name strings. They are cloned in case shared memory is
// resized before the next lock
char* ipaddr = strdup(getstr(ippos));
char* oldname = strdup(getstr(oldnamepos));
// Test if we want to resolve host names, otherwise all calls to resolveHostname()
// and getNameFromIP() can be skipped as they will all return empty names (= no records)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg(" ---> \"\" (configured to not resolve host name)");
// Return fixed position of empty string
return 0;
// Important: Don't hold a lock while resolving as the main thread
// (dnsmasq) needs to be operable during the call to resolveHostname()
char* newname = resolveHostname(ipaddr);
// If no hostname was found, try to obtain hostname from the network table
// This may be disabled due to a user setting
if(strlen(newname) == 0 && config.names_from_netdb)
newname = getNameFromIP(ipaddr);
// Only store new newname if it is valid and differs from oldname
// We do not need to check for oldname == NULL as names are
// always initialized with an empty string at position 0
if(newname != NULL && strcmp(oldname, newname) != 0)
size_t newnamepos = addstr(newname);
// newname has already been checked against NULL
// so we can safely free it
return newnamepos;
else if(config.debug & DEBUG_SHMEM)
// Debugging output
logg("Not adding \"%s\" to buffer (unchanged)", oldname);
if(newname != NULL)
// Not changed, return old namepos
return oldnamepos;
// Resolve client host names
static void resolveClients(const bool onlynew)
const time_t now = time(NULL);
// Lock counter access here, we use a copy in the following loop
int clientscount = counters->clients;
int skipped = 0;
for(int clientID = 0; clientID < clientscount; clientID++)
// Memory access needs to get locked
// Get client pointer for the first time (reading data)
clientsData* client = getClient(clientID, true);
if(client == NULL)
logg("ERROR: Unable to get client pointer (1) with ID %i, skipping...", clientID);
// Skip alias-clients
bool newflag = client->new;
size_t ippos = client->ippos;
size_t oldnamepos = client->namepos;
// Only try to resolve host names of clients which were recently active
// Limit for a "recently active" client is two hours ago
if(client->lastQuery < now - 2*60*60)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg("Skipping client %s (%s) because it was inactive for %i seconds",
getstr(ippos), getstr(oldnamepos), (int)(now - client->lastQuery));
// If onlynew flag is set, we will only resolve new clients
// If not, we will try to re-resolve all known clients
if(onlynew && !newflag)
// Obtain/update hostname of this client
size_t newnamepos = resolveAndAddHostname(ippos, oldnamepos);
// Get client pointer for the second time (writing data)
// We cannot use the same pointer again as we released
// the lock in between so we cannot know if something
// happened to the shared memory object (resize event)
client = getClient(clientID, true);
if(client == NULL)
logg("ERROR: Unable to get client pointer (2) with ID %i, skipping...", clientID);
// Store obtained host name (may be unchanged)
client->namepos = newnamepos;
// Mark entry as not new
client->new = false;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg("%i / %i client host names resolved",
clientscount-skipped, clientscount);
// Resolve upstream destination host names
static void resolveUpstreams(const bool onlynew)
const time_t now = time(NULL);
// Lock counter access here, we use a copy in the following loop
int upstreams = counters->upstreams;
int skipped = 0;
for(int upstreamID = 0; upstreamID < upstreams; upstreamID++)
// Memory access needs to get locked
// Get upstream pointer for the first time (reading data)
upstreamsData* upstream = getUpstream(upstreamID, true);
if(upstream == NULL)
logg("ERROR: Unable to get upstream pointer with ID %i, skipping...", upstreamID);
bool newflag = upstream->new;
size_t ippos = upstream->ippos;
size_t oldnamepos = upstream->namepos;
// Only try to resolve host names of upstream servers which were recently active
// Limit for a "recently active" upstream server is two hours ago
if(upstream->lastQuery < now - 2*60*60)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg("Skipping upstream %s (%s) because it was inactive for %i seconds",
getstr(ippos), getstr(oldnamepos), (int)(now - upstream->lastQuery));
// If onlynew flag is set, we will only resolve new upstream destinations
// If not, we will try to re-resolve all known upstream destinations
if(onlynew && !newflag)
// Obtain/update hostname of this client
size_t newnamepos = resolveAndAddHostname(ippos, oldnamepos);
// Get upstream pointer for the second time (writing data)
// We cannot use the same pointer again as we released
// the lock in between so we cannot know if something
// happened to the shared memory object (resize event)
upstream = getUpstream(upstreamID, true);
if(upstream == NULL)
logg("ERROR: Unable to get upstream pointer with ID %i, skipping...", upstreamID);
// Store obtained host name (may be unchanged)
upstream->namepos = newnamepos;
// Mark entry as not new
upstream->new = false;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_RESOLVER)
logg("%i / %i upstream server host names resolved",
upstreams-skipped, upstreams);
void *DNSclient_thread(void *val)
// Set thread name
prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "DNS client", 0, 0, 0);
// Initial delay until we first try to resolve anything
// Run every minute to resolve only new clients and upstream servers
if(resolver_ready && (time(NULL) % RESOLVE_INTERVAL == 0))
// Try to resolve new client host names (onlynew=true)
// Try to resolve new upstream destination host names (onlynew=true)
// Prevent immediate re-run of this routine
// Run every hour to update possibly changed client host names
if(resolver_ready && (time(NULL) % RERESOLVE_INTERVAL == 0))
set_event(RERESOLVE_HOSTNAMES); // done below
set_event(RERESOLVE_DATABASE_NAMES); // done in database thread
// Process resolver related event queue elements
// Try to resolve all client host names (onlynew=false)
// Try to resolve all upstream destination host names (onlynew=false)
// Prevent immediate re-run of this routine
// Idle for 0.1 sec before checking again the time criteria
return NULL;