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/* Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
* (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
* Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
* FTL Engine
* MessagePack serialization
* This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
* Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */
#include "FTL.h"
#include "api.h"
void pack_eom(const int sock) {
// This byte is explicitly never used in the MessagePack spec, so it is perfect to use as an EOM for this API.
uint8_t eom = 0xc1;
swrite(sock, &eom, sizeof(eom));
static void pack_basic(const int sock, const uint8_t format, const void *value, const size_t size) {
swrite(sock, &format, sizeof(format));
swrite(sock, value, size);
static uint64_t __attribute__((const)) leToBe64(const uint64_t value) {
const char *ptr = (char *) &value;
uint32_t part1, part2;
// Copy the two halves of the 64 bit input into uint32_t's so we can use htonl
memcpy(&part1, ptr, 4);
memcpy(&part2, ptr + 4, 4);
// Flip each half around
part1 = htonl(part1);
part2 = htonl(part2);
// Arrange them to form the big-endian version of the original input
return (uint64_t) part1 << 32 | part2;
void pack_bool(const int sock, const bool value) {
uint8_t packed = (uint8_t) (value ? 0xc3 : 0xc2);
swrite(sock, &packed, sizeof(packed));
void pack_uint8(const int sock, const uint8_t value) {
pack_basic(sock, 0xcc, &value, sizeof(value));
void pack_uint64(const int sock, const uint64_t value) {
const uint64_t bigEValue = leToBe64(value);
pack_basic(sock, 0xcf, &bigEValue, sizeof(bigEValue));
void pack_int32(const int sock, const int32_t value) {
const uint32_t bigEValue = htonl((uint32_t) value);
pack_basic(sock, 0xd2, &bigEValue, sizeof(bigEValue));
void pack_int64(const int sock, const int64_t value) {
// Need to use memcpy to do a direct copy without reinterpreting the bytes (making negatives into positives).
// It should get optimized away.
uint64_t bigEValue;
memcpy(&bigEValue, &value, sizeof(bigEValue));
bigEValue = leToBe64(bigEValue);
pack_basic(sock, 0xd3, &bigEValue, sizeof(bigEValue));
void pack_float(const int sock, const float value) {
// Need to use memcpy to do a direct copy without reinterpreting the bytes. It should get optimized away.
uint32_t bigEValue;
memcpy(&bigEValue, &value, sizeof(bigEValue));
bigEValue = htonl(bigEValue);
pack_basic(sock, 0xca, &bigEValue, sizeof(bigEValue));
// Return true if successful
bool pack_fixstr(const int sock, const char *string) {
// Make sure that the length is less than 32
const size_t length = strlen(string);
if(length >= 32) {
logg("Tried to send a fixstr longer than 31 bytes!");
return false;
const uint8_t format = (uint8_t) (0xA0 | length);
swrite(sock, &format, sizeof(format));
swrite(sock, string, length);
return true;
// Return true if successful
bool pack_str32(const int sock, const char *string) {
// Make sure that the length is less than 4294967296
const size_t length = strlen(string);
if(length >= 2147483648u) {
logg("Tried to send a str32 longer than 2147483647 bytes!");
return false;
const uint8_t format = 0xdb;
swrite(sock, &format, sizeof(format));
const uint32_t bigELength = htonl((uint32_t) length);
swrite(sock, &bigELength, sizeof(bigELength));
swrite(sock, string, length);
return true;
void pack_map16_start(const int sock, const uint16_t length) {
const uint8_t format = 0xde;
swrite(sock, &format, sizeof(format));
const uint16_t bigELength = htons(length);
swrite(sock, &bigELength, sizeof(bigELength));