
1430 lines
44 KiB

/* Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
* (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
* Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
* FTL Engine
* dnsmasq interfacing routines
* This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
* Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */
#define FTLDNS
#include "dnsmasq/dnsmasq.h"
#undef __USE_XOPEN
#include "FTL.h"
#include "dnsmasq_interface.h"
#include "shmem.h"
// Prototype of getCacheInformation()
#include "api.h"
static void print_flags(const unsigned int flags);
static void save_reply_type(const unsigned int flags, const int queryID, const struct timeval response);
static unsigned long converttimeval(const struct timeval time) __attribute__((const));
static void block_single_domain_regex(const char *domain);
static void detect_blocked_IP(const unsigned short flags, const char* answer, const int queryID);
static void query_externally_blocked(const int queryID, const unsigned char status);
static int findQueryID(const int id);
unsigned char* pihole_privacylevel = &config.privacylevel;
const char flagnames[28][12] = {"F_IMMORTAL ", "F_NAMEP ", "F_REVERSE ", "F_FORWARD ", "F_DHCP ", "F_NEG ", "F_HOSTS ", "F_IPV4 ", "F_IPV6 ", "F_BIGNAME ", "F_NXDOMAIN ", "F_CNAME ", "F_DNSKEY ", "F_CONFIG ", "F_DS ", "F_DNSSECOK ", "F_UPSTREAM ", "F_RRNAME ", "F_SERVER ", "F_QUERY ", "F_NOERR ", "F_AUTH ", "F_DNSSEC ", "F_KEYTAG ", "F_SECSTAT ", "F_NO_RR ", "F_IPSET ", "F_NOEXTRA "};
void _FTL_new_query(const unsigned int flags, const char *name, const struct all_addr *addr,
const char *types, const int id, const char type,
const char* file, const int line)
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Create new query in data structure
// Get timestamp
const time_t querytimestamp = time(NULL);
// Save request time
struct timeval request;
gettimeofday(&request, 0);
// Determine query type
unsigned char querytype = 0;
if(strcmp(types,"query[A]") == 0)
querytype = TYPE_A;
else if(strcmp(types,"query[AAAA]") == 0)
querytype = TYPE_AAAA;
else if(strcmp(types,"query[ANY]") == 0)
querytype = TYPE_ANY;
else if(strcmp(types,"query[SRV]") == 0)
querytype = TYPE_SRV;
else if(strcmp(types,"query[SOA]") == 0)
querytype = TYPE_SOA;
else if(strcmp(types,"query[PTR]") == 0)
querytype = TYPE_PTR;
else if(strcmp(types,"query[TXT]") == 0)
querytype = TYPE_TXT;
// Return early to avoid accessing querytypedata out of bounds
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("Notice: Skipping unknown query type: %s (%i)", types, id);
// Skip AAAA queries if user doesn't want to have them analyzed
if(!config.analyze_AAAA && querytype == TYPE_AAAA)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("Not analyzing AAAA query");
// Ensure we have enough space in the queries struct
const int queryID = counters->queries;
// If domain is "pi.hole" we skip this query
if(strcasecmp(name, "pi.hole") == 0)
// Convert domain to lower case
char *domainString = strdup(name);
// Get client IP address
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN];
inet_ntop((flags & F_IPV4) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
char *clientIP = strdup(dest);
// Check if user wants to skip queries coming from localhost
if(config.ignore_localhost &&
(strcmp(clientIP, "") == 0 || strcmp(clientIP, "::1") == 0))
// Log new query if in debug mode
const char *proto = (type == UDP) ? "UDP" : "TCP";
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("**** new %s %s \"%s\" from %s (ID %i, FTL %i, %s:%i)",
proto, types, domainString, clientIP, id, queryID, file, line);
// Update counters
// Update overTime
const unsigned int timeidx = getOverTimeID(querytimestamp);
// Skip rest of the analysis if this query is not of type A or AAAA
// but user wants to see only A and AAAA queries (pre-v4.1 behavior)
if(config.analyze_only_A_AAAA && querytype != TYPE_A && querytype != TYPE_AAAA)
// Don't process this query further here, we already counted it
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("Notice: Skipping new query: %s (%i)", types, id);
// Go through already knows domains and see if it is one of them
const int domainID = findDomainID(domainString);
// Go through already knows clients and see if it is one of them
const int clientID = findClientID(clientIP, true);
// Save everything
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, false);
query->magic = MAGICBYTE;
query->timestamp = querytimestamp;
query->type = querytype;
query->status = QUERY_UNKNOWN;
query->domainID = domainID;
query->clientID = clientID;
query->timeidx = timeidx;
// Initialize database rowID with zero, will be set when the query is stored in the long-term DB
query->db = 0;
query->id = id;
query->complete = false;
query->response = converttimeval(request);
// Initialize reply type
query->reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// Store DNSSEC result for this domain
query->dnssec = DNSSEC_UNSPECIFIED;
// Check and apply possible privacy level rules
// The currently set privacy level (at the time the query is
// generated) is stored in the queries structure
query->privacylevel = config.privacylevel;
// Increase DNS queries counter
// Count this query as unknown as long as no reply has
// been found and analyzed
// Update overTime data
// Get client pointer
clientsData* client = getClient(clientID, true);
// Update overTime data structure with the new client
// Set lastQuery timer and add one query for network table
client->lastQuery = querytimestamp;
// Get domain pointer
domainsData* domain = getDomain(domainID, true);
// Try blocking regex if configured
if(domain->regexmatch == REGEX_UNKNOWN && blockingstatus != BLOCKING_DISABLED)
// For minimal performance impact, we test the regex only when
// - regex checking is enabled, and
// - this domain has not already been validated against the regex.
// This effectively prevents multiple evaluations of the same domain
// If a regex filter matched, we additionally compare the domain
// against all known whitelisted domains to possibly prevent blocking
// of a specific domain. The logic herein is:
// If matched, then compare against whitelist
// If in whitelist, negate matched so this function returns: not-to-be-blocked
if(match_regex(domainString) && !in_whitelist(domainString))
// We have to block this domain
domain->regexmatch = REGEX_BLOCKED;
// Explicitly mark as not blocked to skip regex test
// next time we see this domain
domain->regexmatch = REGEX_NOTBLOCKED;
// Free allocated memory
// Release thread lock
static int findQueryID(const int id)
// Loop over all queries - we loop in reverse order (start from the most recent query and
// continuously walk older queries while trying to find a match. Ideally, we should always
// find the correct query with zero iterations, but it may happen that queries are processed
// asynchronously, e.g. for slow upstream relies to a huge amount of requests.
// We iterate from the most recent query down to at most MAXITER queries in the past to avoid
// iterating through the entire array of queries
// MAX(0, a) is used to return 0 in case a is negative (negative array indices are harmful)
const int until = MAX(0, counters->queries-MAXITER);
const int start = MAX(0, counters->queries-1);
// Check UUIDs of queries
for(int i = start; i >= until; i--)
const queriesData* query = getQuery(i, true);
if(query->id == id)
return i;
// If not found
return -1;
void _FTL_forwarded(const unsigned int flags, const char *name, const struct all_addr *addr, const int id,
const char* file, const int line)
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Save that this query got forwarded to an upstream server
// Get forward destination IP address
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN];
// If addr == NULL, we will only duplicate an empty string instead of uninitialized memory
dest[0] = '\0';
if(addr != NULL)
inet_ntop((flags & F_IPV4) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
// Convert forward to lower case
char *forward = strdup(dest);
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("**** forwarded %s to %s (ID %i, %s:%i)", name, forward, id, file, line);
// Save status and forwardID in corresponding query identified by dnsmasq's ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was a PTR query or "pi.hole"
// as we ignore them altogether
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
// Proceed only if
// - current query has not been marked as replied to so far
// (it could be that answers from multiple forward
// destinations are coming in for the same query)
// - the query was formally known as cached but had to be forwarded
// (this is a special case further described below)
if(query->complete && query->status != QUERY_CACHE)
// Get ID of forward destination, create new forward destination record
// if not found in current data structure
const int forwardID = findForwardID(forward, true);
query->forwardID = forwardID;
const unsigned int timeidx = query->timeidx;
if(query->status == QUERY_CACHE)
// Detect if we cached the <CNAME> but need to ask the upstream
// servers for the actual IPs now, we remove this query from the
// counters for cache replied queries as we had to forward a
// request for it. Example:
// Assume a domain a.com is a CNAME which is cached and has a very
// long TTL. It point to another domain server.a.com which has an
// A record but this has a much lower TTL.
// If you now query a.com and then again after some time, you end
// up in a situation where dnsmasq can answer the first level of
// the DNS result (the CNAME) from cache, hence the status of this
// query is marked as "answered from cache" in FTLDNS. However, for
// server.a.com wit the much shorter TTL, we still have to forward
// something and ask the upstream server for the final IP address.
// This code section acknowledges this by removing one entry from
// the cached counters as we will re-brand this query as having been
// forwarded in the following.
// Also correct overTime data
// Correct reply timer
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Reset timer, shift slightly into the past to acknowledge the time
// FTLDNS needed to look up the CNAME in its cache
query->response = converttimeval(response) - query->response;
// Normal forwarded query (status is set below)
// Query is no longer unknown
// Hereby, this query is now fully determined
query->complete = true;
// Set query status to forwarded only after the
// if(query->status == QUERY_CACHE) { ... }
// from above as otherwise this check will always
// be negative
query->status = QUERY_FORWARDED;
// Update overTime data
// Update counter for forwarded queries
// Release allocated memory
void FTL_dnsmasq_reload(void)
// This function is called by the dnsmasq code on receive of SIGHUP
// *before* clearing the cache and rereading the lists
// This is the only hook that is not skipped in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
logg("Received SIGHUP, reloading cache");
// Called when dnsmasq re-reads its config and hosts files
// Reset number of blocked domains
counters->gravity = 0;
// Inspect 01-pihole.conf to see if Pi-hole blocking is enabled,
// i.e. if /etc/pihole/gravity.list is sourced as addn-hosts file
// Reread pihole-FTL.conf to see which blocking mode the user wants to use
// It is possible to change the blocking mode here as we anyhow clear the
// cache and reread all blocking lists
// Passing NULL to this function means it has to open the config file on
// its own behalf (on initial reading, the config file is already opened)
// Reread regex.list
// Free regex list and array of whitelisted domains
// Start timer for regex compilation analysis
// Read and compile possible regex filters
// Read whitelisted domains from database
// Log result
// Reread pihole-FTL.conf to see which debugging flags are set
// Print current set of capabilities if requested via debug flag
if(config.debug & DEBUG_CAPS)
void _FTL_reply(const unsigned short flags, const char *name, const struct all_addr *addr, const int id,
const char* file, const int line)
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Interpret hosts files that have been read by dnsmasq
// Determine returned result if available
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN]; dest[0] = '\0';
inet_ntop((flags & F_IPV4) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
// Extract answer (used e.g. for detecting if a local config is a user-defined
// wildcard blocking entry in form "server=/tobeblocked.com/")
const char *answer = dest;
if(flags & F_CNAME)
answer = "(CNAME)";
else if((flags & F_NEG) && (flags & F_NXDOMAIN))
answer = "(NXDOMAIN)";
else if(flags & F_NEG)
answer = "(NODATA)";
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("**** got reply %s is %s (ID %i, %s:%i)", name, answer, id, file, line);
// Get response time
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Save status in corresponding query identified by dnsmasq's ID
const int i = findQueryID(id);
if(i < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was "pi.hole"
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("FTL_reply(): Query %i has not been found", id);
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(i, true);
if(query->reply != REPLY_UNKNOWN)
// Nothing to be done here
// Determine if this reply is an exact match for the queried domain
const int domainID = query->domainID;
// Get domain pointer
domainsData* domain = getDomain(domainID, true);
// Check if this domain matches exactly
const bool isExactMatch = (name != NULL && strcmp(getstr(domain->domainpos), name) == 0);
if((flags & F_CONFIG) && isExactMatch && !query->complete)
// Answered from local configuration, might be a wildcard or user-provided
// This query is no longer unknown
// Get time index
const unsigned int timeidx = query->timeidx;
if(strcmp(answer, "(NXDOMAIN)") == 0 ||
strcmp(answer, "") == 0 ||
strcmp(answer, "::") == 0)
// Answered from user-defined blocking rules (dnsmasq config files)
// Update domain blocked counter
// Get client pointer
clientsData* client = getClient(query->clientID, true);
// Update client blocked counter
// Set query status to wildcard
query->status = QUERY_WILDCARD;
// Answered from a custom (user provided) cache file
query->status = QUERY_CACHE;
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
save_reply_type(flags, i, response);
// Hereby, this query is now fully determined
query->complete = true;
else if((flags & F_FORWARD) && isExactMatch)
// Only proceed if query is not already known
// to have been blocked by Quad9
if(query->reply != QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_IP &&
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
save_reply_type(flags, i, response);
// Detect if returned IP indicates that this query was blocked
detect_blocked_IP(flags, answer, i);
else if(flags & F_REVERSE)
// isExactMatch is not used here as the PTR is special.
// Example:
// Question: PTR
// will lead to:
// domain->domain =
// and will return
// name = google-public-dns-a.google.com
// Hence, isExactMatch is always false
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
save_reply_type(flags, i, response);
else if(isExactMatch && !query->complete)
logg("*************************** unknown REPLY ***************************");
static void detect_blocked_IP(const unsigned short flags, const char* answer, const int queryID)
if(flags & F_HOSTS)
// Skip replies which originated locally. Otherwise, we would
// count gravity.list blocked queries as externally blocked.
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTBLOCKED)
logg("Skipping detection of external blocking IP for ID %i as origin is HOSTS", queryID);
else if(flags & F_REVERSE)
// Do not mark responses of PTR requests as externally blocked.
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTBLOCKED)
logg("Skipping detection of external blocking IP for ID %i as query is PTR", queryID);
// If received one of the following IPs as reply, OpenDNS
// (Cisco Umbrella) blocked this query
// See https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/227986927-What-are-the-Cisco-Umbrella-Block-Page-IP-Addresses-
// for a full list of these IP addresses
if(flags & F_IPV4 && answer != NULL &&
(strcmp("", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("", answer) == 0 ))
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTBLOCKED)
const queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
logg("Upstream responded with known blocking page (IPv4), ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
queryID, getstr(domain->domainpos), answer);
// Update status
query_externally_blocked(queryID, QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_IP);
else if(flags & F_IPV6 && answer != NULL &&
(strcmp("::ffff:", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("::ffff:", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("::ffff:", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("::ffff:", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("::ffff:", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("::ffff:", answer) == 0 ||
strcmp("::ffff:", answer) == 0 ))
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTBLOCKED)
const queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
logg("Upstream responded with known blocking page (IPv6), ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
queryID, getstr(domain->domainpos), answer);
// Update status
query_externally_blocked(queryID, QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_IP);
// If upstream replied with or ::,
// we assume that it filtered the reply as
// nothing is reachable under these addresses
else if(flags & F_IPV4 && answer != NULL &&
strcmp("", answer) == 0)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTBLOCKED)
const queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
logg("Upstream responded with, ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
queryID, getstr(domain->domainpos), answer);
// Update status
query_externally_blocked(queryID, QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_NULL);
else if(flags & F_IPV6 && answer != NULL &&
strcmp("::", answer) == 0)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTBLOCKED)
const queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
logg("Upstream responded with ::, ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
queryID, getstr(domain->domainpos), answer);
// Update status
query_externally_blocked(queryID, QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_NULL);
static void query_externally_blocked(const int queryID, const unsigned char status)
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
// Get time index
const unsigned int timeidx = query->timeidx;
// If query is already known to be externally blocked,
// then we have nothing to do here
if(query->status == QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_IP ||
// Correct counters if necessary ...
if(query->status == QUERY_FORWARDED)
// Get forward pointer
forwardedData* forward = getForward(query->forwardID, true);
// Mark query as blocked
// Get domain pointer
domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
// Get client pointer
clientsData* client = getClient(query->clientID, true);
// Set query status
query->status = status;
void _FTL_cache(const unsigned int flags, const char *name, const struct all_addr *addr,
const char *arg, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Save that this query got answered from cache
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN]; dest[0] = '\0';
inet_ntop((flags & F_IPV4) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
// If domain is "pi.hole", we skip this query
// We compare case-insensitive here
if(strcasecmp(name, "pi.hole") == 0)
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("**** got cache answer for %s / %s / %s (ID %i, %s:%i)", name, dest, arg, id, file, line);
// Get response time
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
if(((flags & F_HOSTS) && (flags & F_IMMORTAL)) ||
((flags & F_NAMEP) && (flags & F_DHCP)) ||
(flags & F_FORWARD) ||
(flags & F_REVERSE) ||
(flags & F_RRNAME))
// Local list: /etc/hosts, /etc/pihole/local.list, etc.
// or
// blocked domain from gravity database
// or
// DHCP server reply
// or
// regex blocked query
// or
// cached answer to previously forwarded request
// Determine requesttype
unsigned char requesttype = 0;
if(flags & F_HOSTS)
if(arg != NULL && strcmp(arg, SRC_GRAVITY_NAME) == 0)
requesttype = QUERY_GRAVITY;
else if(arg != NULL && strcmp(arg, SRC_BLACK_NAME) == 0)
requesttype = QUERY_BLACKLIST;
else // local.list, hostname.list, /etc/hosts and others
requesttype = QUERY_CACHE;
else if((flags & F_NAMEP) && (flags & F_DHCP)) // DHCP server reply
requesttype = QUERY_CACHE;
else if(flags & F_FORWARD) // cached answer to previously forwarded request
requesttype = QUERY_CACHE;
else if(flags & F_REVERSE) // cached answer to reverse request (PTR)
requesttype = QUERY_CACHE;
else if(flags & F_RRNAME) // cached answer to TXT query
requesttype = QUERY_CACHE;
logg("*************************** unknown CACHE reply (1) ***************************");
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was a PTR query or "pi.hole"
// as we ignore them altogether
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
// Skip query if already complete
// This query is no longer unknown
// Get time index
const unsigned int timeidx = query->timeidx;
// Get domain pointer
domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
// Get client pointer
clientsData* client = getClient(query->clientID, true);
// Mark this query as blocked if domain was matched by a regex
if(domain->regexmatch == REGEX_BLOCKED)
requesttype = QUERY_WILDCARD;
query->status = requesttype;
// Detect if returned IP indicates that this query was blocked
detect_blocked_IP(flags, dest, queryID);
// Re-read requesttype as detect_blocked_IP() might have changed it
requesttype = query->status;
// Handle counters accordingly
case QUERY_GRAVITY: // gravity.list
case QUERY_BLACKLIST: // black.list
case QUERY_WILDCARD: // regex blocked
case QUERY_CACHE: // cached from one of the lists
// everything has already been done
// in query_externally_blocked()
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
save_reply_type(flags, queryID, response);
// Hereby, this query is now fully determined
query->complete = true;
logg("*************************** unknown CACHE reply (2) ***************************");
void _FTL_dnssec(const int status, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Process DNSSEC result for a domain
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Get domain pointer
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
logg("**** got DNSSEC details for %s: %i (ID %i, %s:%i)", getstr(domain->domainpos), status, id, file, line);
// Iterate through possible values
if(status == STAT_SECURE)
query->dnssec = DNSSEC_SECURE;
else if(status == STAT_INSECURE)
query->dnssec = DNSSEC_INSECURE;
query->dnssec = DNSSEC_BOGUS;
void _FTL_upstream_error(const unsigned int rcode, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Process upstream errors
// Queries with error are those where the RCODE
// in the DNS header is neither NOERROR nor NXDOMAIN.
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Process DNSSEC result for a domain
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
// Translate dnsmasq's rcode into something we can use
const char *rcodestr = NULL;
rcodestr = "SERVFAIL";
query->reply = REPLY_SERVFAIL;
rcodestr = "REFUSED";
query->reply = REPLY_REFUSED;
case NOTIMP:
rcodestr = "NOT IMPLEMENTED";
query->reply = REPLY_NOTIMP;
rcodestr = "UNKNOWN";
query->reply = REPLY_OTHER;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Get domain pointer
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
logg("**** got error report for %s: %s (ID %i, %s:%i)", getstr(domain->domainpos), rcodestr, id, file, line);
if(query->reply == REPLY_OTHER)
logg("Unknown rcode = %i", rcode);
void _FTL_header_analysis(const unsigned char header4, const unsigned int rcode, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Check if RA bit is unset in DNS header and rcode is NXDOMAIN
// If the response code (rcode) is NXDOMAIN, we may be seeing a response from
// an externally blocked query. As they are not always accompany a necessary
// SOA record, they are not getting added to our cache and, therefore,
// FTL_reply() is never getting called from within the cache routines.
// Hence, we have to store the necessary information about the NXDOMAIN
// reply already here.
if((header4 & 0x80) || rcode != NXDOMAIN)
// RA bit is set or rcode is not NXDOMAIN
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Get domain pointer
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
logg("**** %s externally blocked (ID %i, FTL %i, %s:%i)", getstr(domain->domainpos), id, queryID, file, line);
// Get response time
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Store query as externally blocked
query_externally_blocked(queryID, QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_NXRA);
// Store reply type as replied with NXDOMAIN
save_reply_type(F_NEG | F_NXDOMAIN, queryID, response);
void print_flags(const unsigned int flags)
// Debug function, listing resolver flags in clear text
// e.g. "Flags: F_FORWARD F_NEG F_IPV6"
// Only print flags if corresponding debugging flag is set
if(!(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS))
char *flagstr = calloc(256,sizeof(char));
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(flags)*8; i++)
if(flags & (1u << i))
strcat(flagstr, flagnames[i]);
logg(" Flags: %s", flagstr);
void save_reply_type(const unsigned int flags, const int queryID, const struct timeval response)
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
// Iterate through possible values
if(flags & F_NEG)
if(flags & F_NXDOMAIN)
query->reply = REPLY_NXDOMAIN;
// NODATA(-IPv6)
query->reply = REPLY_NODATA;
else if(flags & F_CNAME)
// <CNAME>
query->reply = REPLY_CNAME;
else if(flags & F_REVERSE)
// reserve lookup
query->reply = REPLY_DOMAIN;
else if(flags & F_RRNAME)
// TXT query
query->reply = REPLY_RRNAME;
// Valid IP
query->reply = REPLY_IP;
// Save response time (relative time)
query->response = converttimeval(response) -
pthread_t telnet_listenthreadv4;
pthread_t telnet_listenthreadv6;
pthread_t socket_listenthread;
pthread_t DBthread;
pthread_t GCthread;
pthread_t DNSclientthread;
void FTL_fork_and_bind_sockets(struct passwd *ent_pw)
// We will use the attributes object later to start all threads in detached mode
pthread_attr_t attr;
// Initialize thread attributes object with default attribute values
// When a detached thread terminates, its resources are automatically released back to
// the system without the need for another thread to join with the terminated thread
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
// Bind to sockets
// Start TELNET IPv4 thread
if(ipv4telnet && pthread_create( &telnet_listenthreadv4, &attr, telnet_listening_thread_IPv4, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open IPv4 telnet listening thread. Exiting...");
// Start TELNET IPv6 thread
if(ipv6telnet && pthread_create( &telnet_listenthreadv6, &attr, telnet_listening_thread_IPv6, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open IPv6 telnet listening thread. Exiting...");
// Start SOCKET thread
if(pthread_create( &socket_listenthread, &attr, socket_listening_thread, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open Unix socket listening thread. Exiting...");
// Start database thread if database is used
if(database && pthread_create( &DBthread, &attr, DB_thread, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open database thread. Exiting...");
// Start thread that will stay in the background until garbage collection needs to be done
if(pthread_create( &GCthread, &attr, GC_thread, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open GC thread. Exiting...");
// Start thread that will stay in the background until host names needs to be resolved
if(pthread_create( &DNSclientthread, &attr, DNSclient_thread, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open DNS client thread. Exiting...");
// Chown files if FTL started as user root but a dnsmasq config option
// states to run as a different user/group (e.g. "nobody")
if(ent_pw != NULL && getuid() == 0)
if(chown(FTLfiles.log, ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid) == -1)
logg("Setting ownership (%i:%i) of %s failed: %s (%i)", ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid, FTLfiles.log, strerror(errno), errno);
if(database && chown(FTLfiles.db, ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid) == -1)
logg("Setting ownership (%i:%i) of %s failed: %s (%i)", ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid, FTLfiles.db, strerror(errno), errno);
// int cache_inserted, cache_live_freed are defined in dnsmasq/cache.c
void getCacheInformation(const int *sock)
ssend(*sock,"cache-size: %i\ncache-live-freed: %i\ncache-inserted: %i\n",
// cache-size is obvious
// It means the resolver handled <cache-inserted> names lookups that needed to be sent to
// upstream severes and that <cache-live-freed> was thrown out of the cache
// before reaching the end of its time-to-live, to make room for a newer name.
// For <cache-live-freed>, smaller is better.
// New queries are always cached. If the cache is full with entries
// which haven't reached the end of their time-to-live, then the entry
// which hasn't been looked up for the longest time is evicted.
void _FTL_forwarding_failed(const struct server *server, const char* file, const int line)
// Don't analyze anything if in PRIVACY_NOSTATS mode
if(config.privacylevel >= PRIVACY_NOSTATS)
// Save that this query got forwarded to an upstream server
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN];
if(server->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET)
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &server->addr.in.sin_addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &server->addr.in6.sin6_addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
// Convert forward to lower case
char *forwarddest = strdup(dest);
const int forwardID = findForwardID(forwarddest, false);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("**** forwarding to %s (ID %i, %s:%i) failed", dest, forwardID, file, line);
// Get forward pointer
forwardedData* forward = getForward(forwardID, true);
// Update counter
static unsigned long __attribute__((const)) converttimeval(const struct timeval time)
// Convert time from struct timeval into units
// of 10*milliseconds
return time.tv_sec*10000 + time.tv_usec/100;
// This subroutine prepares IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for blocking queries depending on the configured blocking mode
static void prepare_blocking_mode(struct all_addr *addr4, struct all_addr *addr6, bool *has_IPv4, bool *has_IPv6)
// Read IPv4 address for host entries from setupVars.conf
char* const IPv4addr = read_setupVarsconf("IPV4_ADDRESS");
if((config.blockingmode == MODE_IP || config.blockingmode == MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA) &&
IPv4addr != NULL && strlen(IPv4addr) > 0)
// Strip off everything at the end of the IP (CIDR might be there)
char* a=IPv4addr; for(;*a;a++) if(*a == '/') *a = 0;
// Prepare IPv4 address for records
if(inet_pton(AF_INET, IPv4addr, addr4) > 0)
*has_IPv4 = true;
// Blocking mode will use zero-initialized all_addr struct
*has_IPv4 = true;
clearSetupVarsArray(); // will free/invalidate IPv4addr
// Read IPv6 address for host entries from setupVars.conf
char* const IPv6addr = read_setupVarsconf("IPV6_ADDRESS");
if(config.blockingmode == MODE_IP &&
IPv6addr != NULL && strlen(IPv6addr) > 0)
// Strip off everything at the end of the IP (CIDR might be there)
char* a=IPv6addr; for(;*a;a++) if(*a == '/') *a = 0;
// Prepare IPv6 address for records
if(inet_pton(AF_INET6, IPv6addr, addr6) > 0)
*has_IPv6 = true;
else if(config.blockingmode == MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA)
// Blocking mode will use zero-initialized all_addr struct
// This is irrelevant, however, as this blocking mode will
// reply with NODATA to AAAA queries. Still, we need to
// generate separate IPv4 (IP) and AAAA (NODATA) records
*has_IPv6 = true;
// Don't create IPv6 cache entries when we don't need them
// Also, don't create them if we are in IP blocking mode and
// strlen(IPv6addr) == 0
*has_IPv6 = false;
clearSetupVarsArray(); // will free/invalidate IPv6addr
// Prototypes from functions in dnsmasq's source
void add_hosts_entry(struct crec *cache, struct all_addr *addr, int addrlen, unsigned int index, struct crec **rhash, int hashsz);
void rehash(int size);
// This routine adds one domain to the resolver's cache. Depending on the configured blocking mode it may create
// a single entry valid for IPv4 & IPv6 or two entries one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.
// When IPv6 is not available on the machine, we do not add IPv6 cache entries (likewise for IPv4)
static int add_blocked_domain(struct all_addr *addr4, struct all_addr *addr6, const bool has_IPv4, const bool has_IPv6,
const char *domain, const int len, struct crec **rhash, int hashsz, const unsigned int index)
int name_count = 0;
struct crec *cache4,*cache6;
// Add IPv4 record, allocate enough space for cache entry including arbitrary domain name length
// (the domain name is stored at the end of struct crec)
if(has_IPv4 &&
(cache4 = malloc(sizeof(struct crec) + len+1-SMALLDNAME)))
strcpy(cache4->name.sname, domain);
cache4->flags = F_HOSTS | F_IMMORTAL | F_FORWARD | F_IPV4;
int memorysize = INADDRSZ;
if(config.blockingmode == MODE_NX)
// If we block in NXDOMAIN mode, we add the NXDOMAIN flag and make this host record
// also valid for AAAA requests
cache4->flags |= F_IPV6 | F_NEG | F_NXDOMAIN;
else if(config.blockingmode == MODE_NULL)
// If we block in NULL mode, we make this host record also valid for AAAA requests
// This is okay as the addr structs have been statically zero-initialized
cache4->flags |= F_IPV6;
memorysize = IN6ADDRSZ;
else if(config.blockingmode == MODE_NODATA)
// If we block in NODATA mode, we make this host record also valid for AAAA requests
// and apply the NEG response flag (but not the NXDOMAIN flag)
cache4->flags |= F_IPV6 | F_NEG;
cache4->ttd = daemon->local_ttl;
add_hosts_entry(cache4, addr4, memorysize, index, rhash, hashsz);
// Add IPv6 record only if we respond with a non-NULL IP address to blocked domains
if(has_IPv6 && (config.blockingmode == MODE_IP || config.blockingmode == MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA) &&
(cache6 = malloc(sizeof(struct crec) + len+1-SMALLDNAME)))
strcpy(cache6->name.sname, domain);
cache6->flags = F_HOSTS | F_IMMORTAL | F_FORWARD | F_IPV6;
if(config.blockingmode == MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA) cache6->flags |= F_NEG;
cache6->ttd = daemon->local_ttl;
add_hosts_entry(cache6, addr6, IN6ADDRSZ, index, rhash, hashsz);
// Return 1 if only one cache slot was allocated (IPv4) or 2 if two slots were allocated (IPv4 + IPv6)
return name_count;
// Add a single domain to resolver's cache. This respects the configured blocking mode
// Note: This routine is meant for adding a single domain at a time. It should not be
// invoked for batch processing
static void block_single_domain_regex(const char *domain)
struct all_addr addr4 = {{{ 0 }}}, addr6 = {{{ 0 }}};
bool has_IPv4 = false, has_IPv6 = false;
// Get IPv4/v6 addresses for blocking depending on user configures blocking mode
prepare_blocking_mode(&addr4, &addr6, &has_IPv4, &has_IPv6);
add_blocked_domain(&addr4, &addr6, has_IPv4, has_IPv6, domain, strlen(domain), NULL, 0, SRC_REGEX);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("Added %s to cache", domain);
// Import a specified table from the gravity database and
// add the read domains to the cache using the currently
// selected blocking mode. This function is used to import
// both the blacklist and the gravity blocking domains
static int FTL_table_import(const char *tablename, const unsigned char list, const unsigned int index,
struct all_addr addr4, struct all_addr addr6, bool has_IPv4, bool has_IPv6,
int cache_size, struct crec **rhash, int hashsz)
// Variables
int name_count = cache_size, added = 0;
// Start timer for list analysis
// Get database table handle
logg("FTL_listsfile(): Error getting %s table from database", tablename);
return name_count;
// Walk database table
const char *domain = NULL;
while((domain = gravityDB_getDomain()) != NULL)
int len = strlen(domain);
// Skip empty database rows
if(len == 0)
// As of here we assume the entry to be valid
// Rehash every 1000 valid names
if(rhash && ((name_count - cache_size) > 1000))
cache_size = name_count;
// Add domain
name_count += add_blocked_domain(&addr4, &addr6, has_IPv4, has_IPv6, domain, len, rhash, hashsz, index);
// Count added domain
// Rehash after having read all entries
// Finalize statement and close gravity database handle
// Final logging
logg("Database (%s): imported %i domains (took %.1f ms)", tablename, added, timer_elapsed_msec(LISTS_TIMER));
return added;
// Import blocking domains from the gravity database
// This function is run whenever dnsmasq reads in HOSTS
// files (on startup as well as on receipt of SIGHUP)
int FTL_database_import(int cache_size, struct crec **rhash, int hashsz)
struct all_addr addr4 = {{{ 0 }}}, addr6 = {{{ 0 }}};
bool has_IPv4 = false, has_IPv6 = false;
if(blockingstatus == BLOCKING_DISABLED)
logg("Skipping import of database tables because blocking is disabled");
return cache_size;
// Get IPv4/v6 addresses for blocking depending on user configured blocking mode
prepare_blocking_mode(&addr4, &addr6, &has_IPv4, &has_IPv6);
// If we have neither a valid IPv4 nor a valid IPv6 but the user asked for
// blocking modes MODE_IP or MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA then we cannot add any entries here
if(!has_IPv4 && !has_IPv6)
logg("ERROR: Cannot add domains from gravity because pihole-FTL found\n" \
" neither a valid IPV4_ADDRESS nor IPV6_ADDRESS in setupVars.conf" \
" This is an impossible configuration. Please contact the Pi-hole" \
" support if you need assistance.");
return cache_size;
// Import gravity and blacklist domains
int added;
added = FTL_table_import("gravity", GRAVITY_LIST, SRC_GRAVITY, addr4, addr6, has_IPv4, has_IPv6, cache_size, rhash, hashsz);
added += FTL_table_import("blacklist", BLACK_LIST, SRC_BLACK, addr4, addr6, has_IPv4, has_IPv6, cache_size, rhash, hashsz);
// Update counter of blocked domains
counters->gravity = added;
// Return new cache size which now includes more domains than before
return cache_size + added;