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/* Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
* (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
* Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
* FTL Engine
* dnsmasq interfacing routines
* This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
* Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */
#define FTLDNS
#include "dnsmasq/dnsmasq.h"
#undef __USE_XOPEN
#include "FTL.h"
#include "enums.h"
#include "dnsmasq_interface.h"
#include "shmem.h"
#include "overTime.h"
#include "database/common.h"
#include "database/database-thread.h"
#include "datastructure.h"
#include "database/gravity-db.h"
#include "setupVars.h"
#include "daemon.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "gc.h"
#include "api/socket.h"
#include "regex_r.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "capabilities.h"
#include "resolve.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "log.h"
// Prototype of getCacheInformation()
#include "api/api.h"
// global variable daemonmode
#include "args.h"
// handle_realtime_signals()
#include "signals.h"
// atomic_flag_test_and_set()
#include <stdatomic.h>
// Eventqueue routines
#include "events.h"
#include <netinet/in.h>
// offsetof()
#include <stddef.h>
// get_edestr()
#include "api/api_helper.h"
// logg_rate_limit_message()
#include "database/message-table.h"
// type struct sqlite3_stmt_vec
#include "vector.h"
// check_one_struct()
#include "struct_size.h"
// Private prototypes
static void print_flags(const unsigned int flags);
#define query_set_reply(flags, type, addr, query, response) _query_set_reply(flags, type, addr, query, response, __FILE__, __LINE__)
static void _query_set_reply(const unsigned int flags, const enum reply_type reply, const union all_addr *addr, queriesData* query,
const struct timeval response, const char *file, const int line);
#define FTL_check_blocking(queryID, domainID, clientID) _FTL_check_blocking(queryID, domainID, clientID, __FILE__, __LINE__)
static bool _FTL_check_blocking(int queryID, int domainID, int clientID, const char* file, const int line);
static unsigned long converttimeval(const struct timeval time) __attribute__((const));
static enum query_status detect_blocked_IP(const unsigned short flags, const union all_addr *addr, const queriesData *query, const domainsData *domain);
static void query_blocked(queriesData* query, domainsData* domain, clientsData* client, const enum query_status new_status);
static void FTL_forwarded(const unsigned int flags, const char *name, const union all_addr *addr, unsigned short port, const int id, const char* file, const int line);
static void FTL_reply(const unsigned int flags, const char *name, const union all_addr *addr, const char* arg, const int id, const char* file, const int line);
static void FTL_upstream_error(const union all_addr *addr, const unsigned int flags, const int id, const char* file, const int line);
static void FTL_dnssec(const char *result, const union all_addr *addr, const int id, const char* file, const int line);
static void mysockaddr_extract_ip_port(union mysockaddr *server, char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1], in_port_t *port);
static void alladdr_extract_ip(union all_addr *addr, const sa_family_t family, char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1]);
static void check_pihole_PTR(char *domain);
#define query_set_dnssec(query, dnssec) _query_set_dnssec(query, dnssec, __FILE__, __LINE__)
static void _query_set_dnssec(queriesData *query, const enum dnssec_status dnssec, const char *file, const int line);
static char *get_ptrname(struct in_addr *addr);
static const char *check_dnsmasq_name(const char *name);
// Static blocking metadata
static bool adbit = false;
static const char *blockingreason = "";
static enum reply_type force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
static int last_regex_idx = -1;
static struct ptr_record *pihole_ptr = NULL;
#define HOSTNAME "Pi-hole hostname"
// Fork-private copy of the interface data the most recent query came from
static struct {
bool haveIPv4;
bool haveIPv6;
char name[IFNAMSIZ];
union all_addr addr4;
union all_addr addr6;
} next_iface = {false, false, "", {{0}}, {{0}}};
// Fork-private copy of the server data the most recent reply came from
static union mysockaddr last_server = {{ 0 }};
unsigned char* pihole_privacylevel = &config.privacylevel;
const char *flagnames[] = {"F_IMMORTAL ", "F_NAMEP ", "F_REVERSE ", "F_FORWARD ", "F_DHCP ", "F_NEG ", "F_HOSTS ", "F_IPV4 ", "F_IPV6 ", "F_BIGNAME ", "F_NXDOMAIN ", "F_CNAME ", "F_DNSKEY ", "F_CONFIG ", "F_DS ", "F_DNSSECOK ", "F_UPSTREAM ", "F_RRNAME ", "F_SERVER ", "F_QUERY ", "F_NOERR ", "F_AUTH ", "F_DNSSEC ", "F_KEYTAG ", "F_SECSTAT ", "F_NO_RR ", "F_IPSET ", "F_NOEXTRA ", "F_SERVFAIL", "F_RCODE", "F_SRV", "F_STALE" };
void FTL_hook(unsigned int flags, const char *name, union all_addr *addr, char *arg, int id, unsigned short type, const char* file, const int line)
// Extract filename from path
const char *path = short_path(file);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Processing FTL hook from %s:%d (name: \"%s\")...", path, line, name);
// Check domain name received from dnsmasq
name = check_dnsmasq_name(name);
// Note: The order matters here!
if((flags & F_QUERY) && (flags & F_FORWARD))
; // New query, handled by FTL_new_query via separate call
else if(flags & F_FORWARD && flags & F_SERVER)
// forwarded upstream (type is used to store the upstream port)
FTL_forwarded(flags, name, addr, type, id, path, line);
else if(flags == F_SECSTAT)
// DNSSEC validation result
FTL_dnssec(arg, addr, id, path, line);
else if(flags & F_RCODE && name && strcasecmp(name, "error") == 0)
// upstream sent something different than NOERROR or NXDOMAIN
FTL_upstream_error(addr, flags, id, path, line);
else if(flags & F_NOEXTRA && flags & F_DNSSEC)
// This is a new DNSSEC query (dnssec-query[DS])
// Type is overloaded with port since 2d65d55, so we have to
// derive the real query type from the arg string
unsigned short qtype = type;
if(strcmp(arg, "dnssec-query[DNSKEY]") == 0)
qtype = T_DNSKEY;
arg = (char*)"dnssec-query";
else if(strcmp(arg, "dnssec-query[DS]") == 0)
qtype = T_DS;
arg = (char*)"dnssec-query";
else if(strcmp(arg, "dnssec-retry[DNSKEY]") == 0)
qtype = T_DNSKEY;
arg = (char*)"dnssec-retry";
else if(strcmp(arg, "dnssec-retry[DS]") == 0)
qtype = T_DS;
arg = (char*)"dnssec-retry";
arg = (char*)"dnssec-unknown";
_FTL_new_query(flags, name, NULL, arg, qtype, id, INTERNAL, file, line);
// forwarded upstream (type is used to store the upstream port)
FTL_forwarded(flags, name, addr, type, id, path, line);
else if(flags & F_AUTH)
; // Ignored
else if(flags & F_IPSET)
; // Ignored
else if(flags == F_UPSTREAM && strcmp(arg, "truncated") == 0)
; // Ignored - truncated reply
// flags will by (F_UPSTREAM | F_NOEXTRA) with type being
// T_DNSKEY or T_DS when this is a truncated DNSSEC reply
// otherwise, flags will be F_UPSTREAM and the type is not set
// (== 0)
FTL_reply(flags, name, addr, arg, id, path, line);
// This is inspired by make_local_answer()
size_t _FTL_make_answer(struct dns_header *header, char *limit, const size_t len, int *ede, const char *file, const int line)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("FTL_make_answer() called from %s:%d", short_path(file), line);
// Exit early if there are no questions in this query
if(ntohs(header->qdcount) == 0)
return 0;
// Get question name
char name[MAXDNAME] = { 0 };
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
if (!extract_name(header, len, &p, name, 1, 4))
return 0;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
if(*ede != EDE_UNSET)
logg("Preparing reply for \"%s\", EDE: %s (%d)", name, edestr(*ede), *ede);
logg("Preparing reply for \"%s\", EDE: N/A", name);
// Get question type
int qtype, flags = 0;
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
// Set flags based on what we will reply with
if(qtype == T_A)
flags = F_IPV4; // A type
else if(qtype == T_AAAA)
flags = F_IPV6; // AAAA type
else if(qtype == T_ANY)
flags = F_IPV4 | F_IPV6; // ANY type
flags = F_NOERR; // empty record
// Prepare answer records
bool forced_ip = false;
// Check first if we need to force our reply to something different than the
// default/configured blocking mode. For instance, we need to force NXDOMAIN
// for intercepted _esni.* queries or the Mozilla canary domain.
if(force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_NXDOMAIN)
flags = F_NXDOMAIN;
// Reset DNS reply forcing
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Forced DNS reply to NXDOMAIN");
else if(force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_NODATA)
flags = F_NOERR;
// Reset DNS reply forcing
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Forced DNS reply to NODATA");
else if(force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_REFUSED)
// Empty flags result in REFUSED
flags = 0;
// Reset DNS reply forcing
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Forced DNS reply to REFUSED");
// Set EDE code to blocked
else if(force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_IP)
// We do not need to change the flags here,
// they are already properly set (F_IPV4 and/or F_IPV6)
forced_ip = true;
// Reset DNS reply forcing
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Forced DNS reply to IP");
else if(force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_NONE)
// Reset DNS reply forcing
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Forced DNS reply to NONE - dropping this query");
return 0;
// Overwrite flags only if not replying with a forced reply
if(config.blockingmode == MODE_NX)
// If we block in NXDOMAIN mode, we set flags to NXDOMAIN
// (NEG will be added after setup_reply() below)
flags = F_NXDOMAIN;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Configured blocking mode is NXDOMAIN");
else if(config.blockingmode == MODE_NODATA ||
(config.blockingmode == MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA && (flags & F_IPV6)))
// If we block in NODATA mode or NODATA for AAAA queries, we apply
// the NOERROR response flag. This ensures we're sending an empty response
flags = F_NOERR;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Configured blocking mode is NODATA%s",
config.blockingmode == MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA ? "-IPv6" : "");
// Check for regex redirecting
bool redirecting = false;
union all_addr redirect_addr4 = {{ 0 }}, redirect_addr6 = {{ 0 }};
if(last_regex_idx > -1)
redirecting = regex_get_redirect(last_regex_idx, &redirect_addr4.addr4, &redirect_addr6.addr6);
// Reset regex redirection forcing
last_regex_idx = -1;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("Regex match is %sredirected", redirecting ? "" : "NOT ");
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
// Setup reply header
setup_reply(header, flags, *ede);
// Add NEG flag when replying with NXDOMAIN or NODATA. This is necessary
// to get proper logging in pihole.log At the same time, we cannot add
// NEG before calling setup_reply() as it would, otherwise, result in an
// incorrect "nowhere to forward to" log entry (because setup_reply()
// checks for equality of flags instead of doing a bitmask comparison).
if(flags == F_NXDOMAIN || flags == F_NOERR)
flags |= F_NEG;
// Add flags according to current blocking mode
// Set blocking_flags to F_HOSTS so dnsmasq logs blocked queries being answered from a specific source
// (it would otherwise assume it knew the blocking status from cache which would prevent us from
// printing the blocking source (blacklist, regex, gravity) in dnsmasq's log file, our pihole.log)
if(flags != 0)
flags |= F_HOSTS;
// Skip questions so we can start adding answers (if applicable)
if (!(p = skip_questions(header, len)))
return 0;
// Are we replying to pi.hole / <hostname> / pi.hole.<local> / <hostname>.<local> ?
const bool hostname = strcmp(blockingreason, HOSTNAME) == 0;
int trunc = 0;
// Add A answer record if requested
if(flags & F_IPV4)
union all_addr addr = {{ 0 }};
// Overwrite with IP address if requested
memcpy(&addr, &redirect_addr4, sizeof(addr));
else if(config.blockingmode == MODE_IP ||
config.blockingmode == MODE_IP_NODATA_AAAA ||
if(hostname && config.reply_addr.own_host.overwrite_v4)
memcpy(&addr, &config.reply_addr.own_host.v4, sizeof(addr));
else if(!hostname && config.reply_addr.ip_blocking.overwrite_v4)
memcpy(&addr, &config.reply_addr.ip_blocking.v4, sizeof(addr));
memcpy(&addr, &next_iface.addr4, sizeof(addr));
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
alladdr_extract_ip(&addr, AF_INET, ip);
logg(" Adding RR: \"%s A %s\"", name, ip);
// Add A resource record
header->ancount = htons(ntohs(header->ancount) + 1);
if(add_resource_record(header, limit, &trunc, sizeof(struct dns_header),
&p, hostname ? daemon->local_ttl : config.block_ttl,
NULL, T_A, C_IN, (char*)"4", &addr.addr4))
log_query(flags & ~F_IPV6, name, &addr, (char*)blockingreason, 0);
// Add AAAA answer record if requested
if(flags & F_IPV6)
union all_addr addr = {{ 0 }};
// Overwrite with IP address if requested
memcpy(&addr, &redirect_addr6, sizeof(addr));
else if(config.blockingmode == MODE_IP ||
if(hostname && config.reply_addr.own_host.overwrite_v6)
memcpy(&addr, &config.reply_addr.own_host.v6, sizeof(addr));
else if(!hostname && config.reply_addr.ip_blocking.overwrite_v6)
memcpy(&addr, &config.reply_addr.ip_blocking.v6, sizeof(addr));
memcpy(&addr, &next_iface.addr6, sizeof(addr));
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
alladdr_extract_ip(&addr, AF_INET6, ip);
logg(" Adding RR: \"%s AAAA %s\"", name, ip);
// Add AAAA resource record
header->ancount = htons(ntohs(header->ancount) + 1);
if(add_resource_record(header, limit, &trunc, sizeof(struct dns_header),
&p, hostname ? daemon->local_ttl : config.block_ttl,
NULL, T_AAAA, C_IN, (char*)"6", &addr.addr6))
log_query(flags & ~F_IPV4, name, &addr, (char*)blockingreason, 0);
// Log empty replies
if(!(flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)))
if(flags == 0)
union all_addr addr = {{ 0 }};
addr.log.rcode = REFUSED;
addr.log.ede = EDE_BLOCKED;
log_query(F_RCODE | F_HOSTS, name, &addr, (char*)blockingreason, 0);
// gravity blocked abc.com is NODATA/NXDOMAIN
log_query(flags, name, NULL, (char*)blockingreason, 0);
// Indicate if truncated (client should retry over TCP)
if (trunc)
header->hb3 |= HB3_TC;
return p - (unsigned char *)header;
static bool is_pihole_domain(const char *domain)
static char *pihole_suffix = NULL;
if(!pihole_suffix && daemon->domain_suffix)
// Build "pi.hole.<local suffix>" domain
pihole_suffix = calloc(strlen(daemon->domain_suffix) + 9, sizeof(char));
strcpy(pihole_suffix, "pi.hole.");
strcat(pihole_suffix, daemon->domain_suffix);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Domain suffix is \"%s\"", daemon->domain_suffix);
static char *hostname_suffix = NULL;
if(!hostname_suffix && daemon->domain_suffix)
// Build "<hostname>.<local suffix>" domain
hostname_suffix = calloc(strlen(hostname()) + strlen(daemon->domain_suffix) + 2, sizeof(char));
strcpy(hostname_suffix, hostname());
strcat(hostname_suffix, ".");
strcat(hostname_suffix, daemon->domain_suffix);
return strcasecmp(domain, "pi.hole") == 0 || strcasecmp(domain, hostname()) == 0 ||
(pihole_suffix && strcasecmp(domain, pihole_suffix) == 0) ||
(hostname_suffix && strcasecmp(domain, hostname_suffix) == 0);
bool _FTL_new_query(const unsigned int flags, const char *name,
union mysockaddr *addr, char *arg,
const unsigned short qtype, const int id,
const enum protocol proto,
const char* file, const int line)
// Create new query in data structure
// Get timestamp
const time_t querytimestamp = time(NULL);
// Save request time
struct timeval request;
gettimeofday(&request, 0);
// Determine query type
enum query_types querytype;
case T_A:
querytype = TYPE_A;
case T_AAAA:
querytype = TYPE_AAAA;
case T_ANY:
querytype = TYPE_ANY;
case T_SRV:
querytype = TYPE_SRV;
case T_SOA:
querytype = TYPE_SOA;
case T_PTR:
querytype = TYPE_PTR;
case T_TXT:
querytype = TYPE_TXT;
case T_NAPTR:
querytype = TYPE_NAPTR;
case T_MX:
querytype = TYPE_MX;
case T_DS:
querytype = TYPE_DS;
case T_RRSIG:
querytype = TYPE_RRSIG;
case T_DNSKEY:
querytype = TYPE_DNSKEY;
case T_NS:
querytype = TYPE_NS;
case 64: // Scn. 2 of https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https/
querytype = TYPE_SVCB;
case 65: // Scn. 2 of https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https/
querytype = TYPE_HTTPS;
querytype = TYPE_OTHER;
// Check domain name received from dnsmasq
name = check_dnsmasq_name(name);
// If domain is "pi.hole" or the local hostname we skip analyzing this query
// and, instead, immediately reply with the IP address - these queries are not further analyzed
if(querytype == TYPE_A || querytype == TYPE_AAAA || querytype == TYPE_ANY)
// "Block" this query by sending the interface IP address
// Send NODATA when the current interface doesn't have
// the requested IP address, for instance AAAA on an
// virtual interface that has only an IPv4 address
if((querytype == TYPE_A &&
!next_iface.haveIPv4 &&
!config.reply_addr.own_host.overwrite_v4) ||
(querytype == TYPE_AAAA &&
!next_iface.haveIPv6 &&
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_NODATA;
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_IP;
blockingreason = HOSTNAME;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Replying to %s with %s", name,
force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_IP ?
"interface-local IP address" :
"NODATA due to missing iface address");
return true;
// Don't block this query
return false;
// Check if this is a PTR request for a local interface.
// If so, we inject a "pi.hole" reply here
if(querytype == TYPE_PTR && config.pihole_ptr != PTR_NONE)
// Skip AAAA queries if user doesn't want to have them analyzed
if(!config.analyze_AAAA && querytype == TYPE_AAAA)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Not analyzing AAAA query");
return false;
// Convert domain to lower case
char *domainString = strdup(name);
// Get client IP address
// The requestor's IP address can be rewritten using EDNS(0) client
// subnet (ECS) data), however, we do not rewrite the IPs ::1 and
// to avoid queries originating from localhost of the
// *distant* machine as queries coming from the *local* machine
const sa_family_t family = addr ? addr->sa.sa_family : AF_INET;
in_port_t clientPort = daemon->port;
bool internal_query = false;
char clientIP[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
ednsData *edns = getEDNS();
if(config.edns0_ecs && edns && edns->client_set)
// Use ECS provided client
strncpy(clientIP, edns->client, ADDRSTRLEN);
clientIP[ADDRSTRLEN] = '\0';
else if(addr)
// Use original requestor
mysockaddr_extract_ip_port(addr, clientIP, &clientPort);
// No client address available, this is an automatically generated (e.g.
// DNSSEC) query
internal_query = true;
strcpy(clientIP, "::");
// Check if user wants to skip queries coming from localhost
if(config.ignore_localhost &&
(strcmp(clientIP, "") == 0 || strcmp(clientIP, "::1") == 0))
return false;
// Lock shared memory
const int queryID = counters->queries;
// Find client IP
const int clientID = findClientID(clientIP, true, false);
// Get client pointer
clientsData* client = getClient(clientID, true);
if(client == NULL)
// Encountered memory error, skip query
// Free allocated memory
// Release thread lock
return false;
// Interface name is only available for regular queries, not for
// automatically generated DNSSEC queries
const char *interface = internal_query ? "-" : next_iface.name;
// Check rate-limit for this client
if(!internal_query && config.rate_limit.count > 0 &&
(++client->rate_limit > config.rate_limit.count || client->flags.rate_limited))
// Log the first rate-limited query for this client in
// this interval. We do not log the blocked domain for
// privacy reasons
logg_rate_limit_message(clientIP, client->rate_limit);
// Reset rate-limiting counter so we can count what
// comes within the adjacent interval
client->rate_limit = 0;
// Memorize this client needs rate-limiting
client->flags.rate_limited = true;
// Block this query
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_REFUSED;
blockingreason = "Rate-limiting";
// Free allocated memory
// Do not further process this query, Pi-hole has never seen it
return true;
// Log new query if in debug mode
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
const char *types = querystr(arg, qtype);
logg("**** new %sIPv%d %s query \"%s\" from %s/%s#%d (ID %i, FTL %i, %s:%i)",
proto == TCP ? "TCP " : proto == UDP ? "UDP " : "",
family == AF_INET ? 4 : 6, types, domainString, interface,
internal_query ? "<internal>" : clientIP, clientPort,
id, queryID, short_path(file), line);
// Update overTime
const unsigned int timeidx = getOverTimeID(querytimestamp);
// Skip rest of the analysis if this query is not of type A or AAAA
// but user wants to see only A and AAAA queries (pre-v4.1 behavior)
if(config.analyze_only_A_AAAA && querytype != TYPE_A && querytype != TYPE_AAAA)
// Don't process this query further here, we already counted it
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
const char *types = querystr(arg, qtype);
logg("Notice: Skipping new query: %s (%i)", types, id);
return false;
// Go through already knows domains and see if it is one of them
const int domainID = findDomainID(domainString, true);
// Save everything
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, false);
if(query == NULL)
// Encountered memory error, skip query
logg("WARN: No memory available, skipping query analysis");
// Free allocated memory
// Release thread lock
return false;
// Fill query object with available data
query->magic = MAGICBYTE;
query->timestamp = querytimestamp;
query->type = querytype;
query->qtype = qtype;
query->id = id; // Has to be set before calling query_set_status()
// This query is unknown as long as no reply has been found and analyzed
query_set_status(query, QUERY_UNKNOWN);
query->domainID = domainID;
query->clientID = clientID;
// Initialize database field, will be set when the query is stored in the long-term DB
query->flags.database = false;
query->flags.complete = false;
query->response = converttimeval(request);
query->flags.response_calculated = false;
// Initialize reply type
query->reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// Store DNSSEC result for this domain
query->dnssec = DNSSEC_UNSPECIFIED;
query->CNAME_domainID = -1;
// This query is not yet known ad forwarded or blocked
query->flags.blocked = false;
query->flags.whitelisted = false;
// Indicator that this query was not forwarded so far
query->upstreamID = -1;
// Check and apply possible privacy level rules
// The currently set privacy level (at the time the query is
// generated) is stored in the queries structure
query->privacylevel = config.privacylevel;
// Query extended DNS error
query->ede = EDE_UNSET;
// Increase DNS queries counter
// Update overTime data
// Update overTime data structure with the new client
change_clientcount(client, 0, 0, timeidx, 1);
// Set lastQuery timer and add one query for network table
client->lastQuery = querytimestamp;
// Update counters
// Process interface information of client (if available)
// Skip interface name length 1 to skip "-". No real interface should
// have a name with a length of 1...
if(!internal_query && strlen(interface) > 1)
if(client->ifacepos == 0u)
// Store in the client data if unknown so far
client->ifacepos = addstr(interface);
// Check if this is still the same interface or
// if the client moved to another interface
// (may require group re-processing)
const char *oldiface = getstr(client->ifacepos);
if(strcasecmp(oldiface, interface) != 0)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_CLIENTS)
const char *clientName = getstr(client->namepos);
logg("Client %s (%s) changed interface: %s -> %s",
clientIP, clientName, oldiface, interface);
// Set client MAC address from EDNS(0) information (if available)
if(config.edns0_ecs && edns && edns->mac_set)
memcpy(client->hwaddr, edns->mac_byte, 6);
client->hwlen = 6;
// Try to obtain MAC address from dnsmasq's cache (also asks the kernel)
if(client->hwlen < 1)
client->hwlen = find_mac(addr, client->hwaddr, 1, time(NULL));
if(config.debug & DEBUG_ARP)
if(client->hwlen == 6)
logg("find_mac(\"%s\") returned hardware address "
"%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", clientIP,
client->hwaddr[0], client->hwaddr[1], client->hwaddr[2],
client->hwaddr[3], client->hwaddr[4], client->hwaddr[5]);
logg("find_mac(\"%s\") returned %i bytes of data",
clientIP, client->hwlen);
bool blockDomain = false;
// Check if this should be blocked only for active queries
// (skipped for internally generated ones, e.g., DNSSEC)
blockDomain = FTL_check_blocking(queryID, domainID, clientID);
// Free allocated memory
// Release thread lock
return blockDomain;
void _FTL_iface(struct irec *recviface, const union all_addr *addr, const sa_family_t addrfamily,
const char *file, const int line)
// Invalidate data we have from the last interface/query
// Set addresses to and ::, respectively
memset(&next_iface.addr4, 0, sizeof(next_iface.addr4));
memset(&next_iface.addr6, 0, sizeof(next_iface.addr6));
next_iface.haveIPv4 = next_iface.haveIPv6 = false;
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg("Interfaces: Called from %s:%d", short_path(file), line);
// Use dummy when interface record is not available
next_iface.name[0] = '-';
next_iface.name[1] = '\0';
// Check if we need to identify the receiving interface by its address
if(!recviface && addr &&
((addrfamily == AF_INET && addr->addr4.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) ||
(addrfamily == AF_INET6 && !IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&addr->addr6))))
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
char addrstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 };
if(addrfamily == AF_INET)
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr->addr4, addrstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
else // if(addrfamily == AF_INET6)
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr->addr6, addrstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
logg("Identifying interface (looking for %s):", addrstr);
// Loop over interfaces and try to find match
for (struct irec *iface = daemon->interfaces; iface; iface = iface->next)
char addrstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 };
const char *iname = iface->slabel ? iface->slabel : iface->name;
if(iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET)
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &iface->addr.in.sin_addr, addrstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg(" - IPv4 interface %s (%d,%d) is %s",
iname, iface->index, iface->label, addrstr);
if(iface->addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr == addr->addr4.s_addr)
// Set receiving interface
recviface = iface;
else if(iface->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6)
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr, addrstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg(" - IPv6 interface %s (%d,%d) is %s",
iname, iface->index, iface->label, addrstr);
if(IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr, &addr->addr6))
// Set receiving interface
recviface = iface;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg(" ^^^ MATCH ^^^");
logg(" --> NO MATCH <--");
// Return early when there is no interface available at this point
// This means we didn't get one passed + we didn't find one above
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg("No receiving interface available at this point");
// Determine addresses of this interface, we have to loop over all interfaces as
// recviface will always only contain *either* IPv4 or IPv6 information
bool haveGUAv6 = false, haveULAv6 = false;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg("Analyzing interfaces:");
for (struct irec *iface = daemon->interfaces; iface != NULL; iface = iface->next)
const sa_family_t family = iface->addr.sa.sa_family;
const char *iname = iface->slabel ? iface->slabel : iface->name;
// If this interface has no name, we skip it
if(iname == NULL)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg(" - SKIP IPv%d interface (%d,%d): no name",
family == AF_INET ? 4 : 6, iface->index, iface->label);
// Check if this is the interface we want
if(iface->index != recviface->index || iface->label != recviface->label)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg(" - SKIP IPv%d interface %s: (%d,%d) != (%d,%d)",
family == AF_INET ? 4 : 6, iname, iface->index, iface->label,
recviface->index, recviface->label);
// *** If we reach this point, we know this interface is the one we are looking for ***//
// Copy interface name
strncpy(next_iface.name, iname, sizeof(next_iface.name)-1);
next_iface.name[sizeof(next_iface.name)-1] = '\0';
bool isULA = false, isGUA = false, isLL = false;
// Check if this address is different from 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
if(family == AF_INET6 && memcmp(&next_iface.addr6.addr6, &iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr, sizeof(iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr)) != 0)
// Extract first byte
// We do not directly access the underlying union as
// MUSL defines it differently than GNU C
uint8_t bytes[2];
memcpy(&bytes, &iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr, 2);
// Global Unicast Address (2000::/3, RFC 4291)
isGUA = (bytes[0] & 0x70) == 0x20;
// Unique Local Address (fc00::/7, RFC 4193)
isULA = (bytes[0] & 0xfe) == 0xfc;
// Link Local Address (fe80::/10, RFC 4291)
isLL = (bytes[0] & 0xff) == 0xfe && (bytes[1] & 0x30) == 0;
// Store IPv6 address only if we don't already have a GUA or ULA address
// This makes the preference:
// 1. ULA
// 2. GUA
// 3. Link-local
if((!haveGUAv6 && !haveULAv6) || (haveGUAv6 && isULA))
next_iface.haveIPv6 = true;
// Store IPv6 address
memcpy(&next_iface.addr6.addr6, &iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr, sizeof(iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr));
haveGUAv6 = true;
else if(isULA)
haveULAv6 = true;
// Check if this address is different from
else if(family == AF_INET && memcmp(&next_iface.addr4.addr4, &iface->addr.in.sin_addr, sizeof(iface->addr.in.sin_addr)) != 0)
next_iface.haveIPv4 = true;
// Store IPv4 address
memcpy(&next_iface.addr4.addr4, &iface->addr.in.sin_addr, sizeof(iface->addr.in.sin_addr));
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
char buffer[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
if(family == AF_INET)
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &iface->addr.in.sin_addr, buffer, ADDRSTRLEN);
else if(family == AF_INET6)
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr, buffer, ADDRSTRLEN);
const char *type = family == AF_INET6 ? isGUA ? " (GUA)" : isULA ? " (ULA)" : isLL ? " (LL)" : " (other)" : "";
logg(" - OK IPv%d interface %s: (%d,%d) is %s%s",
family == AF_INET ? 4 : 6, next_iface.name,
iface->index, iface->label, buffer, type);
// Exit loop early if we already have everything we need
// (a valid IPv4 address + a valid ULA IPv6 address)
if(next_iface.haveIPv4 && haveULAv6)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_NETWORKING)
logg("Exiting interface analysis early (have IPv4 + ULAv6)");
static void check_pihole_PTR(char *domain)
// Return early if Pi-hole PTR is not available
if(pihole_ptr == NULL)
// Convert PTR request into numeric form
union all_addr addr = {{ 0 }};
const int flags = in_arpa_name_2_addr(domain, &addr);
// Check if this is a valid in-addr.arpa (IPv4) or ip6.[int|arpa] (IPv6)
// specifier. If not, nothing is to be done here and we return early
if(flags == 0)
// We do not want to reply with "pi.hole" to loopback PTRs
if((flags == F_IPV4 && addr.addr4.s_addr == htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) ||
(flags == F_IPV6 && IN6_IS_ADDR_LOOPBACK(&addr.addr6)))
// If we reached this point, addr contains the address the client requested
// a name for. We compare this address against all addresses of the local
// interfaces to see if we should reply with "pi.hole"
for (struct irec *iface = daemon->interfaces; iface != NULL; iface = iface->next)
const sa_family_t family = iface->addr.sa.sa_family;
if((family == AF_INET && flags == F_IPV4 && iface->addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr == addr.addr4.s_addr) ||
(family == AF_INET6 && flags == F_IPV6 && IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&iface->addr.in6.sin6_addr, &addr.addr6)))
// The last PTR record in daemon->ptr is reserved for Pi-hole
pihole_ptr->name = strdup(domain);
if(family == AF_INET)
// IPv4 supports conditional domains
struct in_addr addrv4 = { 0 };
addrv4.s_addr = iface->addr.in.sin_addr.s_addr;
pihole_ptr->ptr = get_ptrname(&addrv4);
// IPv6 does not support conditional domains
pihole_ptr->ptr = get_ptrname(NULL);
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Generating PTR response: %s -> %s", pihole_ptr->name, pihole_ptr->ptr);
inline static void set_dnscache_blockingstatus(DNSCacheData * dns_cache, clientsData *client,
enum domain_client_status new_status, const char *domain)
// Memorize blocking status DNS cache for the domain/client combination
dns_cache->blocking_status = new_status;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
const char *clientip = client ? getstr(client->ippos) : "N/A";
logg("DNS cache: %s/%s is %s", clientip, domain, blockingreason);
static bool check_domain_blocked(const char *domain, const int clientID,
clientsData *client, queriesData *query, DNSCacheData *dns_cache,
enum query_status *new_status, bool *db_okay)
// Return early if this domain is explicitly allowed
return false;
// Check domains against exact blacklist
enum db_result blacklist = in_blacklist(domain, dns_cache, client);
if(blacklist == FOUND)
// Set new status
*new_status = QUERY_BLACKLIST;
blockingreason = "exactly blacklisted";
// Mark domain as exactly blacklisted for this client
set_dnscache_blockingstatus(dns_cache, client, BLACKLIST_BLOCKED, domain);
// We block this domain
return true;
// Check domains against gravity domains
enum db_result gravity = in_gravity(domain, client);
if(gravity == FOUND)
// Set new status
*new_status = QUERY_GRAVITY;
blockingreason = "gravity blocked";
// Mark domain as gravity blocked for this client
set_dnscache_blockingstatus(dns_cache, client, GRAVITY_BLOCKED, domain);
// We block this domain
return FOUND;
// Check if one of the database lookups returned that the database is
// currently busy
if(blacklist == LIST_NOT_AVAILABLE || gravity == LIST_NOT_AVAILABLE)
*db_okay = false;
// Handle reply to this query as configured
if(config.reply_when_busy == BUSY_ALLOW)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Allowing query as gravity database is not available");
// Permit this query
// As we set db_okay to false, this allowing here does not enter the
// DNS cache so this domain will be rechecked on the next query
return false;
else if(config.reply_when_busy == BUSY_REFUSE)
blockingreason = "to be refused (gravity database is not available)";
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_REFUSED;
*new_status = QUERY_DBBUSY;
else if(config.reply_when_busy == BUSY_DROP)
blockingreason = "to be dropped (gravity database is not available)";
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_NONE;
*new_status = QUERY_DBBUSY;
blockingreason = "to be blocked (gravity database is not available)";
*new_status = QUERY_DBBUSY;
// We block this query
return true;
// Check domain against blacklist regex filters
// Skipped when the domain is whitelisted or blocked by exact blacklist or gravity
if(in_regex(domain, dns_cache, client-> id, REGEX_BLACKLIST))
// Set new status
*new_status = QUERY_REGEX;
blockingreason = "regex blacklisted";
// Mark domain as regex matched for this client
set_dnscache_blockingstatus(dns_cache, client, REGEX_BLOCKED, domain);
// Regex may be overwriting reply type for this domain
if(dns_cache->force_reply != REPLY_UNKNOWN)
force_next_DNS_reply = dns_cache->force_reply;
// Store ID of this regex (fork-private)
last_regex_idx = dns_cache->domainlist_id;
// We block this domain
return true;
// Not blocked because not found on any list
return false;
// Special domain checking
static bool special_domain(const queriesData *query, const char *domain)
// Mozilla canary domain
// Network administrators may configure their networks as follows to signal
// that their local DNS resolver implemented special features that make the
// network unsuitable for DoH:
// DNS queries for the A and AAAA records for the domain
// “use-application-dns.net” must respond with either: a response code other
// than NOERROR, such as NXDOMAIN (non-existent domain) or SERVFAIL; or
// respond with NOERROR, but return no A or AAAA records.
// https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/configuring-networks-disable-dns-over-https
if(config.special_domains.mozilla_canary &&
strcasecmp(domain, "use-application-dns.net") == 0 &&
(query->type == TYPE_A || query->type == TYPE_AAAA))
blockingreason = "Mozilla canary domain";
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_NXDOMAIN;
return true;
// Apple iCloud Private Relay
// Some enterprise or school networks might be required to audit all
// network traffic by policy, and your network can block access to
// Private Relay in these cases. The user will be alerted that they need
// to either disable Private Relay for your network or choose another
// network.
// The fastest and most reliable way to alert users is to return a
// negative answer from your networks DNS resolver, preventing DNS
// resolution for the following hostnames used by Private Relay traffic.
// Avoid causing DNS resolution timeouts or silently dropping IP packets
// sent to the Private Relay server, as this can lead to delays on
// client devices.
// > mask.icloud.com
// > mask-h2.icloud.com
// https://developer.apple.com/support/prepare-your-network-for-icloud-private-relay
if(config.special_domains.icloud_private_relay &&
(strcasecmp(domain, "mask.icloud.com") == 0 ||
strcasecmp(domain, "mask-h2.icloud.com") == 0))
blockingreason = "Apple iCloud Private Relay domain";
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_NXDOMAIN;
return true;
return false;
static bool _FTL_check_blocking(int queryID, int domainID, int clientID, const char* file, const int line)
// Only check blocking conditions when global blocking is enabled
if(blockingstatus == BLOCKING_DISABLED)
return false;
// Get query, domain and client pointers
queriesData *query = getQuery(queryID, true);
domainsData *domain = getDomain(domainID, true);
clientsData *client = getClient(clientID, true);
if(query == NULL || domain == NULL || client == NULL)
logg("Error: No memory available, skipping query analysis");
return false;
// Get cache pointer
unsigned int cacheID = findCacheID(domainID, clientID, query->type, true);
DNSCacheData *dns_cache = getDNSCache(cacheID, true);
if(dns_cache == NULL)
logg("WARN: No memory available, skipping query analysis");
return false;
// Skip the entire chain of tests if we already know the answer for this
// particular client
unsigned char blockingStatus = dns_cache->blocking_status;
char *domainstr = (char*)getstr(domain->domainpos);
// New domain/client combination.
// We have to go through all the tests below
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%s is not known", domainstr);
// Known as exactly blacklistes, we
// return this result early, skipping
// all the lengthy tests below
blockingreason = "exactly blacklisted";
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%s is known as %s", domainstr, blockingreason);
// Do not block if the entire query is to be permitted
// as something along the CNAME path hit the whitelist
force_next_DNS_reply = dns_cache->force_reply;
query_blocked(query, domain, client, QUERY_BLACKLIST);
return true;
// Known as gravity blocked, we
// return this result early, skipping
// all the lengthy tests below
blockingreason = "gravity blocked";
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%s is known as %s", domainstr, blockingreason);
// Do not block if the entire query is to be permitted
// as sometving along the CNAME path hit the whitelist
force_next_DNS_reply = dns_cache->force_reply;
query_blocked(query, domain, client, QUERY_GRAVITY);
return true;
// Known as regex blacklisted, we
// return this result early, skipping
// all the lengthy tests below
blockingreason = "regex blacklisted";
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%s is known as %s", domainstr, blockingreason);
// Do not block if the entire query is to be permitted
// as sometving along the CNAME path hit the whitelist
force_next_DNS_reply = dns_cache->force_reply;
last_regex_idx = dns_cache->domainlist_id;
query_blocked(query, domain, client, QUERY_REGEX);
return true;
// Known as whitelisted, we
// return this result early, skipping
// all the lengthy tests below
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%s is known as not to be blocked (whitelisted)", domainstr);
query->flags.whitelisted = true;
return false;
// Known as a special domain, we
// return this result early, skipping
// all the lengthy tests below
blockingreason = "special domain";
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%s is known as special domain", domainstr);;
force_next_DNS_reply = dns_cache->force_reply;
query_blocked(query, domain, client, QUERY_SPECIAL_DOMAIN);
return true;
// Known as not blocked, we
// return this result early, skipping
// all the lengthy tests below
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%s is known as not to be blocked", domainstr);
return false;
// Skip all checks and continue if we hit already at least one whitelist in the chain
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Query is permitted as at least one whitelist entry matched");
return false;
// when we reach this point: the query is not in FTL's cache (for this client)
// Make a local copy of the domain string. The string memory may get
// reorganized in the following. We cannot expect domainstr to remain
// valid for all time.
domainstr = strdup(domainstr);
const char *blockedDomain = domainstr;
// Check exact whitelist for match
query->flags.whitelisted = in_whitelist(domainstr, dns_cache, client) == FOUND;
// If not found: Check regex whitelist for match
query->flags.whitelisted = in_regex(domainstr, dns_cache, client->id, REGEX_WHITELIST);
// Check if this is a special domain
if(!query->flags.whitelisted && special_domain(query, domainstr))
// Set DNS cache properties
dns_cache->blocking_status = SPECIAL_DOMAIN;
dns_cache->force_reply = force_next_DNS_reply;
// Adjust counters
query_blocked(query, domain, client, QUERY_SPECIAL_DOMAIN);
// Debug output
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Special domain: %s is %s", domainstr, blockingreason);
return true;
// Check blacklist (exact + regex) and gravity for queried domain
unsigned char new_status = QUERY_UNKNOWN;
bool db_okay = true;
bool blockDomain = check_domain_blocked(domainstr, clientID, client, query, dns_cache, &new_status, &db_okay);
// Check blacklist (exact + regex) and gravity for _esni.domain if enabled
// (defaulting to true)
if(config.block_esni &&
!query->flags.whitelisted && blockDomain == NOT_FOUND &&
strlen(domainstr) > 6 && strncasecmp(domainstr, "_esni.", 6u) == 0)
blockDomain = check_domain_blocked(domainstr + 6u, clientID, client, query, dns_cache, &new_status, &db_okay);
// Truncate "_esni." from queried domain if the parenting domain was
// the reason for blocking this query
blockedDomain = domainstr + 6u;
// Force next DNS reply to be NXDOMAIN for _esni.* queries
force_next_DNS_reply = REPLY_NXDOMAIN;
// Store this in the DNS cache only if the database is available at
// this point
dns_cache->force_reply = REPLY_NXDOMAIN;
// Common actions regardless what the possible blocking reason is
// Adjust counters
query_blocked(query, domain, client, new_status);
// Debug output
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Blocking %s as %s is %s", domainstr, blockedDomain, blockingreason);
if(force_next_DNS_reply != 0)
logg("Forcing next reply to %s", get_query_reply_str(force_next_DNS_reply));
else if(db_okay)
// Explicitly mark as not blocked to skip the entire gravity/blacklist
// chain when the same client asks for the same domain in the future.
// Store domain as whitelisted if this is the case
dns_cache->blocking_status = query->flags.whitelisted ? WHITELISTED : NOT_BLOCKED;
// Debug output
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// client is guaranteed to be non-NULL above
logg("DNS cache: %s/%s is %s", getstr(client->ippos), domainstr,
query->flags.whitelisted ? "whitelisted" : "not blocked");
return blockDomain;
bool _FTL_CNAME(const char *dst, const char *src, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("FTL_CNAME called with: src = %s, dst = %s, id = %d", src, dst, id);
// Does the user want to skip deep CNAME inspection?
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Skipping analysis as cname inspection is disabled");
return false;
// Lock shared memory
// Save status and upstreamID in corresponding query identified by dnsmasq's ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was a PTR query
// or "pi.hole" and we ignored them altogether
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Skipping analysis as parent query is not found");
return false;
// Get query pointer so we can later extract the client requesting this domain for
// the per-client blocking evaluation
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(query == NULL)
// Nothing to be done here
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Skipping analysis as parent query is not valid");
return false;
// Example to make the terminology used in here clear:
// CNAME abc -> 123
// CNAME 123 -> 456
// CNAME 456 -> 789
// parent_domain: abc
// child_domains: [123, 456, 789]
// parent_domain = Domain at the top of the CNAME path
// This is the domain which was queried first in this chain
const int parent_domainID = query->domainID;
// child_domain = Intermediate domain in CNAME path
// This is the domain which was queried later in this chain
char *child_domain = strdup(dst);
// Convert to lowercase for matching
const int child_domainID = findDomainID(child_domain, false);
// Get client ID from the original query (the entire chain always
// belongs to the same client)
const int clientID = query->clientID;
// Check per-client blocking for the child domain
const bool block = FTL_check_blocking(queryID, child_domainID, clientID);
// If we find during a CNAME inspection that we want to block the entire chain,
// the originally queried domain itself was not counted as blocked. We have to
// correct this when we are going to short-circuit the entire query
// Increase blocked count of parent domain
domainsData* parent_domain = getDomain(parent_domainID, true);
if(parent_domain == NULL)
// Memory error, return
return false;
// Store query response as CNAME type
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
query_set_reply(F_CNAME, 0, NULL, query, response);
// Store domain that was the reason for blocking the entire chain
query->CNAME_domainID = child_domainID;
// Change blocking reason into CNAME-caused blocking
if(query->status == QUERY_GRAVITY)
query_set_status(query, QUERY_GRAVITY_CNAME);
else if(query->status == QUERY_REGEX)
// Get parent and child DNS cache entries
const int parent_cacheID = findCacheID(parent_domainID, clientID, query->type, false);
const int child_cacheID = findCacheID(child_domainID, clientID, query->type, false);
// Get cache pointers
DNSCacheData *parent_cache = getDNSCache(parent_cacheID, true);
DNSCacheData *child_cache = getDNSCache(child_cacheID, true);
// Propagate ID of responsible regex up from the child to the parent domain
if(parent_cache != NULL && child_cache != NULL)
child_cache->domainlist_id = parent_cache->domainlist_id;
// Set status
query_set_status(query, QUERY_REGEX_CNAME);
else if(query->status == QUERY_BLACKLIST)
// Only set status
query_set_status(query, QUERY_BLACKLIST_CNAME);
// Debug logging for deep CNAME inspection (if enabled)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Query %d: CNAME %s ---> %s", id, src, dst);
// Return result
return block;
static void FTL_forwarded(const unsigned int flags, const char *name, const union all_addr *addr,
unsigned short port, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Save that this query got forwarded to an upstream server
// Lock shared memory
// Get forward destination IP address and port
in_port_t upstreamPort = 53;
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN];
// If addr == NULL, we will only duplicate an empty string instead of uninitialized memory
dest[0] = '\0';
if(addr != NULL)
if(flags & F_IPV4)
inet_ntop(AF_INET, addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
// Reverse-engineer port from underlying sockaddr_in structure
const in_port_t *rport = (in_port_t*)((void*)addr
- offsetof(struct sockaddr_in, sin_addr)
+ offsetof(struct sockaddr_in, sin_port));
upstreamPort = ntohs(*rport);
if(upstreamPort != port)
logg("ERR: Port mismatch for %s: we derived %d, dnsmasq told us %d", dest, upstreamPort, port);
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
// Reverse-engineer port from underlying sockaddr_in6 structure
const in_port_t *rport = (in_port_t*)((void*)addr
- offsetof(struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_addr)
+ offsetof(struct sockaddr_in6, sin6_port));
upstreamPort = ntohs(*rport);
if(upstreamPort != port)
logg("ERR: Port mismatch for %s: we derived %d, dnsmasq told us %d", dest, upstreamPort, port);
// Convert upstreamIP to lower case
char *upstreamIP = strdup(dest);
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("**** forwarded %s to %s#%u (ID %i, %s:%i)",
name, upstreamIP, upstreamPort, id, file, line);
// Save status and upstreamID in corresponding query identified by dnsmasq's ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was a PTR query or "pi.hole"
// as we ignore them altogether
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(query == NULL)
// Get ID of upstream destination, create new upstream record
// if not found in current data structure
const int upstreamID = findUpstreamID(upstreamIP, upstreamPort);
query->upstreamID = upstreamID;
upstreamsData *upstream = getUpstream(upstreamID, true);
if(upstream != NULL)
// Update overTime counts
const int timeidx = getOverTimeID(query->timestamp);
// Update lastQuery timestamp
upstream->lastQuery = time(NULL);
// Proceed only if
// - current query has not been marked as replied to so far
// (it could be that answers from multiple forward
// destinations are coming in for the same query)
// - the query was formally known as cached but had to be forwarded
// (this is a special case further described below)
if(query->flags.complete && query->status != QUERY_CACHE)
if(query->status == QUERY_CACHE)
// Detect if we cached the <CNAME> but need to ask the upstream
// servers for the actual IPs now, we remove this query from the
// counters for cache replied queries as we had to forward a
// request for it. Example:
// Assume a domain a.com is a CNAME which is cached and has a very
// long TTL. It point to another domain server.a.com which has an
// A record but this has a much lower TTL.
// If you now query a.com and then again after some time, you end
// up in a situation where dnsmasq can answer the first level of
// the DNS result (the CNAME) from cache, hence the status of this
// query is marked as "answered from cache" in FTLDNS. However, for
// server.a.com with the much shorter TTL, we still have to forward
// something and ask the upstream server for the final IP address.
// Correct reply timer if a response time has already been calculated
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Reset timer to measure how long it takes until an answer arrives
// If a response time has already been calculated, we
// can go back in time to measure both the initial cache
// lookup and the (now starting) time it takes for the
// upstream to respond
query->response = converttimeval(response) - query->response;
query->flags.response_calculated = false;
// Normal forwarded query (status is set below)
// Hereby, this query is now fully determined
query->flags.complete = true;
// Set query status to forwarded only after the
// if(query->status == QUERY_CACHE) { ... }
// from above as otherwise this check will always
// be negative
query_set_status(query, QUERY_FORWARDED);
// Release allocated memory
// Unlock shared memory
void FTL_dnsmasq_reload(void)
// This function is called by the dnsmasq code on receive of SIGHUP
// *before* clearing the cache and rereading the lists
logg("Reloading DNS cache");
// Request reload the privacy level and blocking status
// Reread pihole-FTL.conf to see which blocking mode the user wants to use
// It is possible to change the blocking mode here as we anyhow clear the
// cache and reread all blocking lists
// Passing NULL to this function means it has to open the config file on
// its own behalf (on initial reading, the config file is already opened)
// Reread pihole-FTL.conf to see which debugging flags are set
// Gravity database updates
// - (Re-)open gravity database connection
// - Get number of blocked domains
// - check adlist table for inaccessible adlists
// - Read and compile regex filters (incl. per-client)
// - Flush FTL's DNS cache
// Print current set of capabilities if requested via debug flag
if(config.debug & DEBUG_CAPS)
// Set resolver as ready
resolver_ready = true;
static void alladdr_extract_ip(union all_addr *addr, const sa_family_t family, char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1])
// Extract IP address
inet_ntop(family, addr, ip, ADDRSTRLEN);
static void mysockaddr_extract_ip_port(union mysockaddr *server, char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1], in_port_t *port)
// Extract IP address
server->sa.sa_family == AF_INET ?
(void*)&server->in.sin_addr :
// Extract port (only if requested)
if(port != NULL)
*port = ntohs(server->sa.sa_family == AF_INET ?
server->in.sin_port :
// Compute cache/upstream response time
static inline void set_response_time(queriesData *query, const struct timeval response)
// Do this only if this is the first time we set a reply
// Convert absolute timestamp to relative timestamp
query->response = converttimeval(response) - query->response;
query->flags.response_calculated = true;
// Changes upstream server (only relevant when multiple servers are defined)
// If this is an upstream response and the answering upstream is known (may not
// be the case for internally generated DNSSEC queries), we have to check if the
// first answering upstream server is also the first one we sent the query to.
// If not, we need to change the upstream server associated with this query to
// get accurate statistics
static void update_upstream(queriesData *query, const int id)
// We use query->flags.response_calculated to check if this is the first
// response received for this query and check the family of last server
// to see if it is available
if(query->flags.response_calculated || last_server.sa.sa_family == 0)
char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
in_port_t port = 0;
mysockaddr_extract_ip_port(&last_server, ip, &port);
int upstreamID = findUpstreamID(ip, port);
if(upstreamID != query->upstreamID)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
upstreamsData *upstream = getUpstream(query->upstreamID, true);
const char *oldaddr = getstr(upstream->ippos);
const in_port_t oldport = upstream->port;
logg("Query ID %d: Associated upstream changed (was %s#%d) as %s#%d replied earlier",
id, oldaddr, oldport, ip, port);
// Update upstream server ID
query->upstreamID = upstreamID;
static void FTL_reply(const unsigned int flags, const char *name, const union all_addr *addr,
const char *arg, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// If domain is "pi.hole", we skip this query
// We compare case-insensitive here
// Hint: name can be NULL, e.g. for NODATA/NXDOMAIN replies
if(name != NULL && strcasecmp(name, "pi.hole") == 0)
// Get response time before lock because we want to measure upstream not
// the lock. The latter may artificially add some extra nanoseconds when
// the Pi-hole is currently busy
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Lock shared memory
// Save status in corresponding query identified by dnsmasq's ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was "pi.hole"
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES) logg("FTL_reply(): Query %i has not been found", id);
// Check if this reply came from our local cache
bool cached = false;
if(!(flags & F_UPSTREAM))
cached = true;
if((flags & F_HOSTS) || // local.list, hostname.list, /etc/hosts and others
((flags & F_NAMEP) && (flags & F_DHCP)) || // DHCP server reply
(flags & F_FORWARD) || // cached answer to previously forwarded request
(flags & F_REVERSE) || // cached answer to reverse request (PTR)
(flags & F_RRNAME)) // cached answer to TXT query
; // Okay
else if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("***** Unknown cache query");
// Is this a stale reply?
const bool stale = flags & F_STALE;
// Possible debugging output
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Human-readable answer may be provided by arg
// (e.g. for non-cached queries such as SOA)
const char *answer = arg;
// Determine returned address (if applicable)
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN]; dest[0] = '\0';
inet_ntop((flags & F_IPV4) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
answer = dest; // Overwrite answer with human-readable IP address
// Extract answer (used e.g. for detecting if a local config is a user-defined
// wildcard blocking entry in form "server=/tobeblocked.com/")
if(flags & F_CNAME)
answer = "(CNAME)";
else if((flags & F_NEG) && (flags & F_NXDOMAIN))
answer = "(NXDOMAIN)";
else if(flags & F_NEG)
answer = "(NODATA)";
else if(flags & F_RCODE && addr != NULL)
unsigned int rcode = addr->log.rcode;
if(rcode == REFUSED)
// This happens, e.g., in a "nowhere to forward to" situation
answer = "REFUSED (nowhere to forward to)";
else if(rcode == SERVFAIL)
// This happens on upstream destination errors
answer = "SERVFAIL";
else if(flags & F_NOEXTRA)
if(flags & F_KEYTAG)
answer = "DNSKEY";
answer = arg; // e.g. "reply <TLD> is no DS"
// Substitute "." if we are querying the root domain (e.g. DNSKEY)
const char *dispname = name;
if(!name || strlen(name) == 0)
dispname = ".";
if(cached || last_server.sa.sa_family == 0)
// Log cache or upstream reply from unknown source
logg("**** got %s%s reply: %s is %s (ID %i, %s:%i)",
stale ? "stale ": "", cached ? "cache" : "upstream",
dispname, answer, id, file, line);
char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
in_port_t port = 0;
mysockaddr_extract_ip_port(&last_server, ip, &port);
// Log server which replied to our request
logg("**** got %s%s reply from %s#%d: %s is %s (ID %i, %s:%i)",
stale ? "stale ": "", cached ? "cache" : "upstream",
ip, port, dispname, answer, id, file, line);
// Get and check query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(query == NULL)
// Nothing to be done here
// EDE analysis
if(addr && flags & (F_RCODE | F_SECSTAT) && addr->log.ede != EDE_UNSET)
query->ede = addr->log.ede;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg(" EDE: %s (%d)", edestr(addr->log.ede), addr->log.ede);
ednsData *edns = getEDNS();
if(edns != NULL && edns->ede != EDE_UNSET)
query->ede = edns->ede;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg(" EDE: %s (%d)", edestr(edns->ede), edns->ede);
// Update upstream server (if applicable)
update_upstream(query, id);
// Reset last_server to avoid possibly changing the upstream server
// again in the next query
memset(&last_server, 0, sizeof(last_server));
// Save response time
// Skipped internally if already computed
set_response_time(query, response);
// We only process the first reply further in here
// Check if reply type is still UNKNOWN
if(query->reply != REPLY_UNKNOWN)
// Nothing to be done here
// Determine if this reply is an exact match for the queried domain
const int domainID = query->domainID;
// Get domain pointer
domainsData* domain = getDomain(domainID, true);
if(domain == NULL)
// Memory error, skip reply
// Determine query status (live or stale data?)
const enum query_status qs = stale ? QUERY_CACHE_STALE : QUERY_CACHE;
// This is either a reply served from cache or a blocked query (which appear
// to be from cache because of flags containing F_HOSTS)
// Set status of this query only if this is not a blocked query
query_set_status(query, qs);
// Detect if returned IP indicates that this query was blocked
const enum query_status new_status = detect_blocked_IP(flags, addr, query, domain);
// Update status of this query if detected as external blocking
if(new_status != query->status)
clientsData *client = getClient(query->clientID, true);
if(client != NULL)
query_blocked(query, domain, client, new_status);
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
query_set_reply(flags, 0, addr, query, response);
// We know from cache that this domain is either SECURE or
// INSECURE, bogus queries are not cached
if(flags & F_DNSSECOK)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_SECURE);
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_INSECURE);
// Hereby, this query is now fully determined
query->flags.complete = true;
// else: This is a reply from upstream
// Check if this domain matches exactly
const bool isExactMatch = strcmp_escaped(name, getstr(domain->domainpos));
if((flags & F_CONFIG) && isExactMatch && !query->flags.complete)
// Answered from local configuration, might be a wildcard or user-provided
// Answered from a custom (user provided) cache file or because
// we're the authoritative DNS server (e.g. DHCP server and this
// is our own domain)
query_set_status(query, qs);
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
query_set_reply(flags, 0, addr, query, response);
// Set DNSSEC status to INSECURE if it is still unknown
if(query->dnssec == DNSSEC_UNSPECIFIED)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_INSECURE);
// Hereby, this query is now fully determined
query->flags.complete = true;
else if((flags & (F_FORWARD | F_UPSTREAM)) && isExactMatch)
// Only proceed if query is not already known
// to have been blocked by Quad9
if(query->status == QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_IP ||
// DNSSEC query handling
unsigned int reply_flags = flags;
if(flags & F_NOEXTRA && (query->type == TYPE_DNSKEY || query->type == TYPE_DS))
if(flags & F_KEYTAG)
// We were able to validate this query, mark it
// as SECURE (reply <domain> is {DNSKEY,DS}
// keytag <X>, algo <Y>, digest <Z>)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_SECURE);
else if(strstr(arg, "BOGUS") != NULL)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_BOGUS);
// If is a negative reply to a DNSSEC query
// (reply <domain> is no DS), we overwrite flags
// to store NODATA for this query
reply_flags = F_NEG;
// Set DNSSEC status to INSECURE if it is still unknown
if(query->dnssec == DNSSEC_UNSPECIFIED)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_INSECURE);
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
query_set_reply(reply_flags, 0, addr, query, response);
// Further checks if this is an IP address
// Detect if returned IP indicates that this query was blocked
const enum query_status new_status = detect_blocked_IP(flags, addr, query, domain);
// Update status of this query if detected as external blocking
if(new_status != query->status)
clientsData *client = getClient(query->clientID, true);
if(client != NULL)
query_blocked(query, domain, client, new_status);
else if(flags & F_REVERSE)
// isExactMatch is not used here as the PTR is special.
// Example:
// Question: PTR
// will lead to:
// domain->domain =
// and will return
// name = google-public-dns-a.google.com
// Hence, isExactMatch is always false
// Set DNSSEC status to INSECURE if it is still unknown
if(query->dnssec == DNSSEC_UNSPECIFIED)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_INSECURE);
// Save reply type and update individual reply counters
query_set_reply(flags, 0, addr, query, response);
else if(isExactMatch && !query->flags.complete)
logg("*************************** unknown REPLY ***************************");
else if(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS)
logg("***** Unknown upstream REPLY");
if(query && option_bool(OPT_DNSSEC_PROXY))
// DNSSEC proxy mode is enabled. Interpret AD flag
// and set DNSSEC status accordingly
query_set_dnssec(query, adbit ? DNSSEC_SECURE : DNSSEC_INSECURE);
static enum query_status detect_blocked_IP(const unsigned short flags, const union all_addr *addr, const queriesData *query, const domainsData *domain)
// Compare returned IP against list of known blocking splash pages
if (!addr)
return query->status;
// First, we check if we want to skip this result even before comparing against the known IPs
if(flags & F_HOSTS || flags & F_REVERSE)
// Skip replies which originated locally. Otherwise, we would
// count gravity.list blocked queries as externally blocked.
// Also: Do not mark responses of PTR requests as externally blocked.
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
const char *cause = (flags & F_HOSTS) ? "origin is HOSTS" : "query is PTR";
logg("Skipping detection of external blocking IP for ID %i as %s", query->id, cause);
// Return early, do not compare against known blocking page IP addresses below
return query->status;
// If received one of the following IPs as reply, OpenDNS
// (Cisco Umbrella) blocked this query
// See https://support.opendns.com/hc/en-us/articles/227986927-What-are-the-Cisco-Umbrella-Block-Page-IP-Addresses-
// for a full list of these IP addresses
in_addr_t ipv4Addr = ntohl(addr->addr4.s_addr);
in_addr_t ipv6Addr = ntohl(addr->addr6.s6_addr32[3]);
// Check for IP block -
if((flags & F_IPV4) && ipv4Addr >= 0x92703d68 && ipv4Addr <= 0x92703d6e)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
char answer[ADDRSTRLEN]; answer[0] = '\0';
inet_ntop(AF_INET, addr, answer, ADDRSTRLEN);
logg("Upstream responded with known blocking page (IPv4), ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
query->id, getstr(domain->domainpos), answer);
// Update status
// Check for IP block :ffff: - :ffff:
else if(flags & F_IPV6 &&
addr->addr6.s6_addr32[0] == 0 &&
addr->addr6.s6_addr32[1] == 0 &&
addr->addr6.s6_addr32[2] == 0xffff0000 &&
ipv6Addr >= 0x92703d68 && ipv6Addr <= 0x92703d6e)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
char answer[ADDRSTRLEN]; answer[0] = '\0';
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr, answer, ADDRSTRLEN);
logg("Upstream responded with known blocking page (IPv6), ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
query->id, getstr(domain->domainpos), answer);
// Update status
// If upstream replied with or ::,
// we assume that it filtered the reply as
// nothing is reachable under these addresses
else if(flags & F_IPV4 && ipv4Addr == 0)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Upstream responded with, ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"\"",
query->id, getstr(domain->domainpos));
// Update status
else if(flags & F_IPV6 &&
addr->addr6.s6_addr32[0] == 0 &&
addr->addr6.s6_addr32[1] == 0 &&
addr->addr6.s6_addr32[2] == 0 &&
addr->addr6.s6_addr32[3] == 0)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("Upstream responded with ::, ID %i:\n\t\"%s\" -> \"::\"",
query->id, getstr(domain->domainpos));
// Update status
// Nothing happened here
return query->status;
static void query_blocked(queriesData* query, domainsData* domain, clientsData* client, const enum query_status new_status)
// Get response time
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Adjust counters if we recorded a non-blocking status
if(query->status == QUERY_FORWARDED)
// Get forward pointer
upstreamsData* upstream = getUpstream(query->upstreamID, true);
if(upstream != NULL)
const int timeidx = getOverTimeID(query->timestamp);
else if(is_blocked(query->status))
// Already a blocked query, no need to change anything
// Count as blocked query
if(domain != NULL)
if(client != NULL)
change_clientcount(client, 0, 1, -1, 0);
query->flags.blocked = true;
// Update status
query_set_status(query, new_status);
static void FTL_dnssec(const char *arg, const union all_addr *addr, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Process DNSSEC result for a domain
// Lock shared memory
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(query == NULL)
// Memory error, skip this DNSSEC details
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Get domain pointer
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
if(domain != NULL)
logg("**** DNSSEC %s is %s (ID %i, %s:%i)", getstr(domain->domainpos), arg, id, file, line);
if(addr && addr->log.ede != EDE_UNSET) // This function is only called if (flags & F_SECSTAT)
logg(" EDE: %s (%d)", edestr(addr->log.ede), addr->log.ede);
// Store EDE
if(addr && addr->log.ede != EDE_UNSET)
query->ede = addr->log.ede;
// Iterate through possible values
if(strcmp(arg, "SECURE") == 0)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_SECURE);
else if(strcmp(arg, "INSECURE") == 0)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_INSECURE);
else if(strcmp(arg, "BOGUS") == 0)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_BOGUS);
else if(strcmp(arg, "ABANDONED") == 0)
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_ABANDONED);
logg("***** Ignored unknown DNSSEC status \"%s\"", arg);
// Unlock shared memory
static void FTL_upstream_error(const union all_addr *addr, const unsigned int flags, const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Process local and upstream errors
// Queries with error are those where the RCODE
// in the DNS header is neither NOERROR nor NXDOMAIN.
// Return early if there is nothing we can analyze here (shouldn't happen)
// Record response time before queuing for the lock
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Lock shared memory
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(query == NULL)
// Memory error, skip this query
// Update upstream server if necessary
update_upstream(query, id);
// Translate dnsmasq's rcode into something we can use
const char *rcodestr = NULL;
enum reply_type reply;
rcodestr = "SERVFAIL";
rcodestr = "REFUSED";
case NOTIMP:
rcodestr = "NOT IMPLEMENTED";
rcodestr = "UNKNOWN";
reply = REPLY_OTHER;
// Get EDNS data (if available)
ednsData *edns = getEDNS();
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Get domain pointer
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
// Get domain name
const char *domainname;
if(domain != NULL)
domainname = getstr(domain->domainpos);
domainname = "<cannot access domain struct>";
if(flags & F_CONFIG)
// Log local error, typically "nowhere to forward to"
logg("**** local error (nowhere to forward to): %s is %s (ID %i, %s:%i)",
domainname, rcodestr, id, file, line);
else if(last_server.sa.sa_family == 0)
// Log error reply from unknown source
logg("**** got error reply: %s is %s (ID %i, %s:%i)",
domainname, rcodestr, id, file, line);
char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
in_port_t port = 0;
mysockaddr_extract_ip_port(&last_server, ip, &port);
// Log server which replied to our request
logg("**** got error reply from %s#%d: %s is %s (ID %i, %s:%i)",
ip, port, domainname, rcodestr, id, file, line);
if(query->reply == REPLY_OTHER)
logg(" Unknown rcode = %i", addr->log.rcode);
if(addr->log.ede != EDE_UNSET) // This function is only called if (flags & F_RCODE)
query->ede = addr->log.ede;
logg(" EDE: %s (%d)", edestr(addr->log.ede), addr->log.ede);
if(edns != NULL && edns->ede != EDE_UNSET)
query->ede = edns->ede;
logg(" EDE: %s (%d)", edestr(edns->ede), edns->ede);
// Check EDNS EDE for DNSSEC status in DNSSEC proxy mode
if(option_bool(OPT_DNSSEC_PROXY) &&
edns && edns->ede >= EDE_DNSSEC_BOGUS && edns->ede <= EDE_NO_NSEC)
// DNSSEC proxy mode is enabled and we received a valid DNSSEC
// status from the upstream server through ENDS EDE. We need to
// update the DNSSEC status of the corresponding query.
query_set_dnssec(query, DNSSEC_BOGUS);
// Set query reply
query_set_reply(0, reply, addr, query, response);
// Reset last_server
memset(&last_server, 0, sizeof(last_server));
// Unlock shared memory
static void FTL_mark_externally_blocked(const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Lock shared memory
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(query == NULL)
// Memory error, skip this query
// Get domain pointer
domainsData *domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
if(domain == NULL)
// Memory error, skip this query
// Possible debugging information
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Get domain name (domain cannot be NULL here)
const char *domainname = getstr(domain->domainpos);
logg("**** %s externally blocked (ID %i, FTL %i, %s:%i)", domainname, id, queryID, file, line);
// Get response time
struct timeval response;
gettimeofday(&response, 0);
// Store query as externally blocked
clientsData *client = getClient(query->clientID, true);
if(client != NULL)
query_blocked(query, domain, client, QUERY_EXTERNAL_BLOCKED_NXRA);
// Store reply type as replied with NXDOMAIN
query_set_reply(F_NEG | F_NXDOMAIN, 0, NULL, query, response);
// Unlock shared memory
void _FTL_header_analysis(const unsigned char header4, const unsigned int rcode, const struct server *server,
const int id, const char* file, const int line)
// Analyze DNS header bits
// Check if RA bit is unset in DNS header and rcode is NXDOMAIN
// If the response code (rcode) is NXDOMAIN, we may be seeing a response from
// an externally blocked query. As they are not always accompany a necessary
// SOA record, they are not getting added to our cache and, therefore,
// FTL_reply() is never getting called from within the cache routines.
// Hence, we have to store the necessary information about the NXDOMAIN
// reply already here.
if(!(header4 & 0x80) && rcode == NXDOMAIN)
// RA bit is not set and rcode is NXDOMAIN
FTL_mark_externally_blocked(id, file, line);
// Check if AD bit is set in DNS header
adbit = header4 & HB4_AD;
// Store server which sent this reply
memcpy(&last_server, &server->addr, sizeof(last_server));
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTRA)
char ip[ADDRSTRLEN+1] = { 0 };
in_port_t port = 0;
mysockaddr_extract_ip_port(&last_server, ip, &port);
logg("Got forward address: %s#%u (%s:%i)", ip, port, short_path(file), line);
memset(&last_server, 0, sizeof(last_server));
if(config.debug & DEBUG_EXTRA)
logg("Got forward address: NO");
void print_flags(const unsigned int flags)
// Debug function, listing resolver flags in clear text
// e.g. "Flags: F_FORWARD F_NEG F_IPV6"
// Only print flags if corresponding debugging flag is set
if(!(config.debug & DEBUG_FLAGS))
char *flagstr = calloc(sizeof(flagnames) + 1, sizeof(char));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (sizeof(flagnames) / sizeof(*flagnames)); i++)
if (flags & (1u << i))
strcat(flagstr, flagnames[i]);
logg(" Flags: %s", flagstr);
static void _query_set_reply(const unsigned int flags, const enum reply_type reply,
const union all_addr *addr,
queriesData *query, const struct timeval response,
const char *file, const int line)
enum reply_type new_reply = REPLY_UNKNOWN;
// If reply is set, we use it directly instead of interpreting the flags
if(reply != 0)
new_reply = reply;
// else: Iterate through possible values by analyzing both the flags and the addr bits
else if(flags & F_NEG ||
(flags & F_NOERR && !(flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6))) || // <-- FTL_make_answer() when no A or AAAA is added
force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_NXDOMAIN ||
force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_NODATA)
if(flags & F_NXDOMAIN || force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_NXDOMAIN)
new_reply = REPLY_NXDOMAIN;
// NODATA(-IPv6)
new_reply = REPLY_NODATA;
else if(flags & F_CNAME)
// <CNAME>
new_reply = REPLY_CNAME;
else if(flags & F_REVERSE)
// reserve lookup
new_reply = REPLY_DOMAIN;
else if(flags & F_RRNAME)
// TXT query
new_reply = REPLY_RRNAME;
else if((flags & F_RCODE && addr != NULL) || force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_REFUSED)
if((addr != NULL && addr->log.rcode == REFUSED)
|| force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_REFUSED )
// REFUSED query
new_reply = REPLY_REFUSED;
else if(addr != NULL && addr->log.rcode == SERVFAIL)
// SERVFAIL query
new_reply = REPLY_SERVFAIL;
else if(flags & F_KEYTAG)
new_reply = REPLY_DNSSEC;
else if(force_next_DNS_reply == REPLY_NONE)
new_reply = REPLY_NONE;
else if(flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6))
// IP address
new_reply = REPLY_IP;
// Other binary, possibly proprietry, data
new_reply = REPLY_BLOB;
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
const char *path = short_path(file);
logg("Set reply to %s (%d) in %s:%d", get_query_reply_str(new_reply), new_reply, path, line);
if(query->reply != REPLY_UNKNOWN && query->reply != new_reply)
logg("Reply of query %i was %s now changing to %s", query->id,
get_query_reply_str(query->reply), get_query_reply_str(new_reply));
// Subtract from old reply counter
// Add to new reply counter
// Store reply type
query->reply = new_reply;
// Save response time
// Skipped internally if already computed
set_response_time(query, response);
void FTL_fork_and_bind_sockets(struct passwd *ent_pw)
// Going into daemon mode involves storing the
// PID of the generated child process. If FTL
// is asked to stay in foreground, we just save
// the PID of the current process in the PID file
2018-05-12 20:39:44 +08:00
// Handle real-time signals in this process (and its children)
// Helper processes are already split from the main instance
// so they will not listen to real-time signals
// We will use the attributes object later to start all threads in
// detached mode
pthread_attr_t attr;
// Initialize thread attributes object with default attribute values
// Start listening on telnet-like interface
// Start database thread if database is used
if(pthread_create( &threads[DB], &attr, DB_thread, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open database thread. Exiting...");
// Start thread that will stay in the background until garbage
// collection needs to be done
if(pthread_create( &threads[GC], &attr, GC_thread, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open GC thread. Exiting...");
// Start thread that will stay in the background until host names needs to
// be resolved. If configuration does not ask for never resolving hostnames
// (e.g. on CI builds), the thread is never started)
if(resolve_names() && pthread_create( &threads[DNSclient], &attr, DNSclient_thread, NULL ) != 0)
logg("Unable to open DNS client thread. Exiting...");
// Chown files if FTL started as user root but a dnsmasq config
// option states to run as a different user/group (e.g. "nobody")
if(getuid() == 0)
// Only print this and change ownership of shmem objects when
// we're actually dropping root (user/group my be set to root)
if(ent_pw != NULL && ent_pw->pw_uid != 0)
logg("INFO: FTL is going to drop from root to user %s (UID %d)",
ent_pw->pw_name, (int)ent_pw->pw_uid);
if(chown(FTLfiles.log, ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid) == -1)
logg("Setting ownership (%i:%i) of %s failed: %s (%i)",
ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid, FTLfiles.log, strerror(errno), errno);
if(chown(FTLfiles.FTL_db, ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid) == -1)
logg("Setting ownership (%i:%i) of %s failed: %s (%i)",
ent_pw->pw_uid, ent_pw->pw_gid, FTLfiles.FTL_db, strerror(errno), errno);
logg("INFO: FTL is running as root");
uid_t uid;
struct passwd *current_user;
if ((current_user = getpwuid(uid = geteuid())) != NULL)
logg("INFO: FTL is running as user %s (UID %d)",
current_user->pw_name, (int)current_user->pw_uid);
logg("INFO: Failed to obtain information about FTL user");
// Obtain DNS port from dnsmasq daemon
config.dns_port = daemon->port;
// Obtain PTR record used for Pi-hole PTR injection (if enabled)
if(config.pihole_ptr != PTR_NONE)
// Add PTR record for pi.hole, the address will be injected later
pihole_ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ptr_record));
pihole_ptr->name = strdup("x.x.x.x.in-addr.arpa");
pihole_ptr->ptr = (char*)"";
pihole_ptr->next = NULL;
// Add our PTR record to the end of the linked list
if(daemon->ptr != NULL)
// Iterate to the last PTR entry in dnsmasq's structure
struct ptr_record *ptr;
for(ptr = daemon->ptr; ptr && ptr->next; ptr = ptr->next);
// Add our record after the last existing ptr-record
ptr->next = pihole_ptr;
// Ours is the only record for daemon->ptr
daemon->ptr = pihole_ptr;
static char *get_ptrname(struct in_addr *addr)
static char *ptrname = NULL;
// Determine name that should be replied to with on Pi-hole PTRs
switch (config.pihole_ptr)
case PTR_NONE:
ptrname = (char*)"pi.hole";
ptrname = (char*)hostname();
char *suffix;
size_t ptrnamesize = 0;
// get_domain() will also check conditional domains configured like
// domain=<domain>[,<address range>[,local]]
suffix = get_domain(*addr);
suffix = daemon->domain_suffix;
// If local suffix is not available, we substitute "no_fqdn_available"
// see the comment about PIHOLE_PTR=HOSTNAMEFQDN in the Pi-hole docs
// for further details on why this was chosen
suffix = (char*)"no_fqdn_available";
// Get enough space for domain building
size_t needspace = strlen(hostname()) + strlen(suffix) + 2;
if(ptrnamesize < needspace)
ptrname = realloc(ptrname, needspace);
ptrnamesize = needspace;
// Build "<hostname>.<local suffix>" domain
strcpy(ptrname, hostname());
strcat(ptrname, ".");
strcat(ptrname, suffix);
// Fallback to "<hostname>" on memory error
ptrname = (char*)hostname();
return ptrname;
// int cache_inserted, cache_live_freed are defined in dnsmasq/cache.c
void getCacheInformation(const int sock)
struct cache_info ci;
ssend(sock, "cache-size: %i\ncache-live-freed: %i\ncache-inserted: %i\nipv4: %i\nipv6: %i\nsrv: %i\ncname: %i\nds: %i\ndnskey: %i\nother: %i\nexpired: %i\nimmortal: %i\n",
// <cache-size> is obvious
// It means the resolver handled <cache-inserted> names lookups that
// needed to be sent to upstream servers and that <cache-live-freed>
// was thrown out of the cache before reaching the end of its
// time-to-live, to make room for a newer name.
// For <cache-live-freed>, smaller is better. New queries are always
// cached. If the cache is full with entries which haven't reached
// the end of their time-to-live, then the entry which hasn't been
// looked up for the longest time is evicted.
// <valid> are cache entries with positive remaining TTL
// <expired> cache entries (to be removed when space is needed)
// <immortal> cache records never expire (e.g. from /etc/hosts)
void FTL_forwarding_retried(const struct server *serv, const int oldID, const int newID, const bool dnssec)
// Forwarding to upstream server failed
if(oldID == newID)
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("%d: Ignoring self-retry", oldID);
// Lock shared memory
// Try to obtain destination IP address if available
char dest[ADDRSTRLEN];
in_port_t upstreamPort = 53;
dest[0] = '\0';
if(serv != NULL)
if(serv->addr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET)
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &serv->addr.in.sin_addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
upstreamPort = ntohs(serv->addr.in.sin_port);
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &serv->addr.in6.sin6_addr, dest, ADDRSTRLEN);
upstreamPort = ntohs(serv->addr.in6.sin6_port);
// Convert upstream to lower case
char *upstreamIP = strdup(dest);
// Get upstream ID
const int upstreamID = findUpstreamID(upstreamIP, upstreamPort);
// Possible debugging information
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("**** RETRIED%s query %i as %i to %s#%d",
dnssec ? " DNSSEC" : "", oldID, newID,
upstreamIP, upstreamPort);
// Get upstream pointer
upstreamsData* upstream = getUpstream(upstreamID, true);
// Update counter
if(upstream != NULL)
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
// Retried DNSSEC queries are ignored, we have to flag themselves (newID)
// Retried normal queries take over, we have to flag the original query (oldID)
const int queryID = findQueryID(dnssec ? newID : oldID);
if(queryID >= 0)
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
// Set retried status
if(query != NULL)
// There is no point in retrying the query when
// we've already got an answer to this query,
// but we're awaiting keys for DNSSEC
// validation. We're retrying the DNSSEC query
// instead
query_set_status(query, QUERY_RETRIED_DNSSEC);
// Normal query retry due to answer not arriving
// soon enough at the requestor
query_set_status(query, QUERY_RETRIED);
// Clean up and unlock shared memory
static unsigned long __attribute__((const)) converttimeval(const struct timeval time)
// Convert time from struct timeval into units
// of 10*milliseconds
return time.tv_sec*10000 + time.tv_usec/100;
unsigned int FTL_extract_question_flags(struct dns_header *header, const size_t qlen)
// Create working pointer
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)(header+1);
uint16_t qtype, qclass;
// Go through the questions
for (uint16_t i = ntohs(header->qdcount); i != 0; i--)
// Prime dnsmasq flags
int flags = RCODE(header) == NXDOMAIN ? F_NXDOMAIN : 0;
// Extract name from this question
char name[MAXDNAME];
if (!extract_name(header, qlen, &p, name, 1, 4))
break; // bad packet, go to fallback solution
// Extract query type
GETSHORT(qtype, p);
GETSHORT(qclass, p);
// Only further analyze IN questions here (not CHAOS, etc.)
if (qclass != C_IN)
// Very simple decision: If the question is AAAA, the reply
// should be IPv6. We use IPv4 in all other cases
if(qtype == T_AAAA)
flags |= F_IPV6;
flags |= F_IPV4;
// Debug logging if enabled
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
char *qtype_str = querystr(NULL, qtype);
logg("CNAME header: Question was <IN> %s %s", qtype_str, name);
return flags;
// Fall back to IPv4 (type A) when for the unlikely event that we cannot
// find any questions in this header
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("CNAME header: No valid IN question found in header");
return F_IPV4;
// Called when a (forked) TCP worker is terminated by receiving SIGALRM
// We close the dedicated database connection this client had opened
// to avoid dangling database locks
volatile atomic_flag worker_already_terminating = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
void FTL_TCP_worker_terminating(bool finished)
// Nothing to be done here, forking does not happen in debug mode
logg("TCP worker already terminating!");
// Possible debug logging
if(config.debug != 0)
const char *reason = finished ? "client disconnected" : "timeout";
logg("TCP worker terminating (%s)", reason);
if(main_pid() == getpid())
// If this is not really a fork (e.g. in debug mode), we don't
// actually close gravity here
// First check if we already locked before. This can happen when a fork
// is running into a timeout while it is still processing something and
// still holding a lock.
// Close dedicated database connections of this fork
// Called when a (forked) TCP worker is created
// FTL forked to handle TCP connections with dedicated (forked) workers
// SQLite3's mentions that carrying an open database connection across a
// fork() can lead to all kinds of locking problems as SQLite3 was not
// intended to work under such circumstances. Doing so may easily lead
// to ending up with a corrupted database.
void FTL_TCP_worker_created(const int confd)
// Nothing to be done here, TCP worker forking does not happen
// in debug mode
// Print this if any debug setting is enabled
if(config.debug != 0)
// Get peer IP address (client)
char peer_ip[ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 };
union mysockaddr peer_sockaddr = {{ 0 }};
socklen_t peer_len = sizeof(union mysockaddr);
if (getpeername(confd, (struct sockaddr *)&peer_sockaddr, &peer_len) != -1)
union all_addr peer_addr = {{ 0 }};
if (peer_sockaddr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6)
peer_addr.addr6 = peer_sockaddr.in6.sin6_addr;
peer_addr.addr4 = peer_sockaddr.in.sin_addr;
inet_ntop(peer_sockaddr.sa.sa_family, &peer_addr, peer_ip, ADDRSTRLEN);
// Get local IP address (interface)
char local_ip[ADDRSTRLEN] = { 0 };
union mysockaddr iface_sockaddr = {{ 0 }};
socklen_t iface_len = sizeof(union mysockaddr);
if(getsockname(confd, (struct sockaddr *)&iface_sockaddr, &iface_len) != -1)
union all_addr iface_addr = {{ 0 }};
if (iface_sockaddr.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6)
iface_addr.addr6 = iface_sockaddr.in6.sin6_addr;
iface_addr.addr4 = iface_sockaddr.in.sin_addr;
inet_ntop(iface_sockaddr.sa.sa_family, &iface_addr, local_ip, ADDRSTRLEN);
// Print log
logg("TCP worker forked for client %s on interface %s with IP %s", peer_ip, next_iface.name, local_ip);
if(main_pid() == getpid())
// If this is not really a fork (e.g. in debug mode), we don't
// actually re-open gravity or close sockets here
// Reopen gravity database handle in this fork as the main process's
// handle isn't valid here
if(config.debug != 0)
logg("Reopening Gravity database for this fork");
bool FTL_unlink_DHCP_lease(const char *ipaddr)
struct dhcp_lease *lease;
union all_addr addr;
const time_t now = dnsmasq_time();
// Try to extract IP address
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ipaddr, &addr.addr4) > 0)
lease = lease_find_by_addr(addr.addr4);
#ifdef HAVE_DHCP6
else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, ipaddr, &addr.addr6) > 0)
lease = lease6_find_by_addr(&addr.addr6, 128, 0);
return false;
// If a lease exists for this IP address, we unlink it and immediately
// update the lease file to reflect the removal of this lease
if (lease)
// Unlink the lease for dnsmasq's database
lease_prune(lease, now);
// Update the lease file
// Argument force == 0 ensures the DNS records are only updated
// when unlinking the lease above actually changed something
// (variable lease.c:dns_dirty is used here)
// Return success
return true;
void FTL_query_in_progress(const int id)
// Query (possibly from new source), but the same query may be in
// progress from another source.
// Lock shared memory
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
// Get query pointer
queriesData* query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(query == NULL)
// Memory error, skip this DNSSEC details
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
// Get domain pointer
const domainsData* domain = getDomain(query->domainID, true);
if(domain != NULL)
logg("**** query for %s is already in progress (ID %i)", getstr(domain->domainpos), id);
// Store status
query_set_status(query, QUERY_IN_PROGRESS);
// Unlock shared memory
void FTL_multiple_replies(const int id, int *firstID)
// We are in the loop that iterates over all aggregated queries for the same
// type + domain. Every query will receive the reply here so we need to
// update the original queries to set their status
// Don't process self-duplicates
if(*firstID == id)
// Skip if the original query was not found in FTL's memory
if(*firstID == -2)
// Lock shared memory
// Search for corresponding query identified by ID
const int queryID = findQueryID(id);
if(queryID < 0)
// This may happen e.g. if the original query was an unhandled query type
*firstID = -2;
if(*firstID == -1)
// This is not yet a duplicate, we just store the ID
// of the successful reply here so we can get it quicker
// during the next loop iterations
*firstID = queryID;
// Get (read-only) pointer of the query that contains all relevant
// information (all others are mere duplicates and were only added to the
// list of duplicates rather than havong been forwarded on their own)
const queriesData* source_query = getQuery(*firstID, true);
// Get query pointer of duplicated reply
queriesData* duplicated_query = getQuery(queryID, true);
if(duplicated_query == NULL || source_query == NULL)
// Memory error, skip this duplicate
// Debug logging
if(config.debug & DEBUG_QUERIES)
logg("**** sending reply %d also to %d", *firstID, queryID);
// Copy relevant information over
duplicated_query->reply = source_query->reply;
duplicated_query->dnssec = source_query->dnssec;
duplicated_query->flags.complete = true;
duplicated_query->CNAME_domainID = source_query->CNAME_domainID;
// The original query may have been blocked during CNAME inspection,
// correct status in this case
if(source_query->status != QUERY_FORWARDED)
query_set_status(duplicated_query, source_query->status);
// Unlock shared memory
const char *get_edestr(const int ede)
return edestr(ede);
static void _query_set_dnssec(queriesData *query, const enum dnssec_status dnssec, const char *file, const int line)
// Return early if DNSSEC validation is disabled
if(!option_bool(OPT_DNSSEC_VALID) && !option_bool(OPT_DNSSEC_PROXY))
if(config.debug & DEBUG_DNSSEC)
const char *status = "unknown";
status = "unspecified";
status = "SECURE";
status = "INSECURE";
status = "BOGUS";
status = "ABANDONED";
const char *path = short_path(file);
logg("Setting DNSSEC status to %s in %s:%d", status, path, line);
// Set DNSSEC status
query->dnssec = dnssec;
// Check sizes of all important in-memory objects. This routine returns the number of
// errors found (i.e., a return value of 0 is what we want and expect)
int check_struct_sizes(void)
int result = 0;
result += check_one_struct("ConfigStruct", sizeof(ConfigStruct), 112, 104);
result += check_one_struct("queriesData", sizeof(queriesData), 56, 44);
result += check_one_struct("upstreamsData", sizeof(upstreamsData), 616, 604);
result += check_one_struct("clientsData", sizeof(clientsData), 672, 648);
result += check_one_struct("domainsData", sizeof(domainsData), 24, 20);
result += check_one_struct("DNSCacheData", sizeof(DNSCacheData), 16, 16);
result += check_one_struct("ednsData", sizeof(ednsData), 76, 76);
result += check_one_struct("overTimeData", sizeof(overTimeData), 32, 24);
result += check_one_struct("regexData", sizeof(regexData), 64, 48);
result += check_one_struct("SharedMemory", sizeof(SharedMemory), 24, 12);
result += check_one_struct("ShmSettings", sizeof(ShmSettings), 16, 16);
result += check_one_struct("countersStruct", sizeof(countersStruct), 248, 248);
result += check_one_struct("sqlite3_stmt_vec", sizeof(sqlite3_stmt_vec), 32, 16);
if(result == 0)
printf("All okay\n");
return result;
static const char *check_dnsmasq_name(const char *name)
// Special domain name handling
// 1. Substitute "(NULL)" if no name is available (should not happen)
return "(NULL)";
else if(!name[0])
// 2. Substitute "." if we are querying the root domain (e.g. DNSKEY)
return ".";
// else
return name;