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/* Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
* (c) 2017 Pi-hole, LLC (https://pi-hole.net)
* Network-wide ad blocking via your own hardware.
* FTL Engine
* Argument parsing routines
* This file is copyright under the latest version of the EUPL.
* Please see LICENSE file for your rights under this license. */
#define FTLDNS
#include "dnsmasq/dnsmasq.h"
#undef __USE_XOPEN
#include <nettle/bignum.h>
#include "FTL.h"
#include "args.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "log.h"
// global variable killed
#include "signals.h"
// regex_speedtest()
#include "regex_r.h"
// init_shmem()
#include "shmem.h"
// LUA dependencies
#include "lua/ftl_lua.h"
// gravity_parseList()
#include "tools/gravity-parseList.h"
// run_dhcp_discover()
#include "tools/dhcp-discover.h"
// run_arp_scan()
#include "tools/arp-scan.h"
// defined in dnsmasq.c
extern void print_dnsmasq_version(const char *yellow, const char *green, const char *bold, const char *normal);
// defined in database/shell.c
extern int sqlite3_shell_main(int argc, char **argv);
bool dnsmasq_debug = false;
bool daemonmode = true, cli_mode = false;
int argc_dnsmasq = 0;
const char** argv_dnsmasq = NULL;
// Extended SGR sequence:
// "\x1b[%dm"
// where %d is one of the following values for commonly supported colors:
// 0: reset colors/style
// 1: bold
// 4: underline
// 30 - 37: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white text
// 40 - 47: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white background
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR
#define COL_NC "\x1b[0m" // normal font
#define COL_BOLD "\x1b[1m" // bold font
#define COL_ITALIC "\x1b[3m" // italic font
#define COL_ULINE "\x1b[4m" // underline font
#define COL_GREEN "\x1b[32m" // normal foreground color
#define COL_YELLOW "\x1b[33m" // normal foreground color
#define COL_RED "\x1b[91m" // bright foreground color
#define COL_BLUE "\x1b[94m" // bright foreground color
#define COL_PURPLE "\x1b[95m" // bright foreground color
#define COL_CYAN "\x1b[96m" // bright foreground color
static inline bool __attribute__ ((pure)) is_term(void)
// test whether STDOUT refers to a terminal
return isatty(fileno(stdout)) == 1;
// Returns green [✓]
const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_tick(void)
return is_term() ? "["COL_GREEN""COL_NC"]" : "[✓]";
// Returns red [✗]
const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_cross(void)
return is_term() ? "["COL_RED""COL_NC"]" : "[✗]";
// Returns [i]
const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_info(void)
return is_term() ? COL_BOLD"[i]"COL_NC : "[i]";
// Returns [?]
const char __attribute__ ((const)) *cli_qst(void)
return "[?]";
// Returns green "done!""
const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_done(void)
return is_term() ? COL_GREEN"done!"COL_NC : "done!";
// Sets font to bold
const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_bold(void)
return is_term() ? COL_BOLD : "";
// Resets font to normal
const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_normal(void)
return is_term() ? COL_NC : "";
// Set color if STDOUT is a terminal
static const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_color(const char *color)
return is_term() ? color : "";
// Go back to beginning of line and erase to end of line if STDOUT is a terminal
const char __attribute__ ((pure)) *cli_over(void)
// \x1b[K is the ANSI escape sequence for "erase to end of line"
return is_term() ? "\r\x1b[K" : "\r";
static inline bool strEndsWith(const char *input, const char *end)
return strcmp(input + strlen(input) - strlen(end), end) == 0;
void parse_args(int argc, char* argv[])
bool quiet = false;
// Regardless of any arguments, we always pass "-k" (nofork) to dnsmasq
argc_dnsmasq = 3;
argv_dnsmasq = calloc(argc_dnsmasq, sizeof(char*));
argv_dnsmasq[0] = "";
argv_dnsmasq[1] = "-k";
argv_dnsmasq[2] = "";
bool consume_for_dnsmasq = false;
// If the binary name is "dnsmasq" (e.g., symlink /usr/bin/dnsmasq -> /usr/bin/pihole-FTL),
// we operate in drop-in mode and consume all arguments for the embedded dnsmasq core
if(strEndsWith(argv[0], "dnsmasq"))
consume_for_dnsmasq = true;
// If the binary name is "lua" (e.g., symlink /usr/bin/lua -> /usr/bin/pihole-FTL),
// we operate in drop-in mode and consume all arguments for the embedded lua engine
// Also, we do this if the first argument is a file with ".lua" ending
if(strEndsWith(argv[0], "lua") ||
(argc > 1 && strEndsWith(argv[1], ".lua")))
exit(run_lua_interpreter(argc, argv, false));
// If the binary name is "luac" (e.g., symlink /usr/bin/luac -> /usr/bin/pihole-FTL),
// we operate in drop-in mode and consume all arguments for the embedded luac engine
if(strEndsWith(argv[0], "luac"))
exit(run_luac(argc, argv));
// If the binary name is "sqlite3" (e.g., symlink /usr/bin/sqlite3 -> /usr/bin/pihole-FTL),
// we operate in drop-in mode and consume all arguments for the embedded SQLite3 engine
// Also, we do this if the first argument is a file with ".db" ending
if(strEndsWith(argv[0], "sqlite3") ||
(argc > 1 && strEndsWith(argv[1], ".db")))
exit(sqlite3_shell_main(argc, argv));
// If the first argument is "gravity" (e.g., /usr/bin/pihole-FTL gravity),
// we offer some specialized gravity tools
if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "gravity") == 0)
// pihole-FTL gravity parseList <infile> <outfile> <adlistID>
if(argc == 6 && strcmp(argv[2], "parseList") == 0)
// Parse the given list and write the result to the given file
exit(gravity_parseList(argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]));
printf("Incorrect usage of pihole-FTL gravity subcommand\n");
// DHCP discovery mode
if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "dhcp-discover") == 0)
// Enable stdout printing
cli_mode = true;
// ARP scanning mode
if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "arp-scan") == 0)
// Enable stdout printing
cli_mode = true;
const bool scan_all = argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[2], "-a") == 0;
const bool extreme_mode = argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[2], "-x") == 0;
exit(run_arp_scan(scan_all, extreme_mode));
// start from 1, as argv[0] is the executable name
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
bool ok = false;
// Expose internal lua interpreter
if(strcmp(argv[i], "lua") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "--lua") == 0)
exit(run_lua_interpreter(argc - i, &argv[i], dnsmasq_debug));
// Expose internal lua compiler
if(strcmp(argv[i], "luac") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "--luac") == 0)
exit(luac_main(argc - i, &argv[i]));
// Expose embedded SQLite3 engine
if(strcmp(argv[i], "sql") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "sqlite3") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "--sqlite3") == 0)
// Human-readable table output mode
if(i+1 < argc && strcmp(argv[i+1], "-h") == 0)
int argc2 = argc - i + 5 - 2;
char **argv2 = calloc(argc2, sizeof(char*));
argv2[0] = argv[0]; // Application name
argv2[1] = (char*)"-column";
argv2[2] = (char*)"-header";
argv2[3] = (char*)"-nullvalue";
argv2[4] = (char*)"(null)";
// i = "sqlite3"
// i+1 = "-h"
for(int j = 0; j < argc - i - 2; j++)
argv2[5 + j] = argv[i + 2 + j];
exit(sqlite3_shell_main(argc2, argv2));
// Special non-interative mode
else if(i+1 < argc && strcmp(argv[i+1], "-ni") == 0)
int argc2 = argc - i + 4 - 2;
char **argv2 = calloc(argc2, sizeof(char*));
argv2[0] = argv[0]; // Application name
argv2[1] = (char*)"-batch";
argv2[2] = (char*)"-init";
argv2[3] = (char*)"/dev/null";
// i = "sqlite3"
// i+1 = "-ni"
for(int j = 0; j < argc - i - 2; j++)
argv2[4 + j] = argv[i + 2 + j];
exit(sqlite3_shell_main(argc2, argv2));
exit(sqlite3_shell_main(argc - i, &argv[i]));
// Implement dnsmasq's test function, no need to prepare the entire FTL
// environment (initialize shared memory, lead queries from long-term
// database, ...) when the task is a simple (dnsmasq) syntax check
if(strcmp(argv[i], "dnsmasq-test") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "--test") == 0)
const char *arg[2];
arg[0] = "";
arg[1] = "--test";
exit(main_dnsmasq(2, (char**)arg));
// If we find "--" we collect everything behind that for dnsmasq
if(strcmp(argv[i], "--") == 0)
// Remember that the rest is for dnsmasq ...
consume_for_dnsmasq = true;
// ... and skip the current argument ("--")
// List available DHCPv4 config options
if(strcmp(argv[i], "--list-dhcp") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--list-dhcp4") == 0)
// List available DHCPv6 config options
if(strcmp(argv[i], "--list-dhcp6") == 0)
// If consume_for_dnsmasq is true, we collect all remaining options for
// dnsmasq
if(argv_dnsmasq != NULL)
argc_dnsmasq = argc - i + 3;
argv_dnsmasq = calloc(argc_dnsmasq, sizeof(const char*));
argv_dnsmasq[0] = "";
argv_dnsmasq[1] = "-d";
argv_dnsmasq[2] = "--log-debug";
argv_dnsmasq[1] = "-k";
argv_dnsmasq[2] = "";
printf("dnsmasq options: [0]: %s\n", argv_dnsmasq[0]);
printf("dnsmasq options: [1]: %s\n", argv_dnsmasq[1]);
printf("dnsmasq options: [2]: %s\n", argv_dnsmasq[2]);
int j = 3;
while(i < argc)
argv_dnsmasq[j++] = strdup(argv[i++]);
printf("dnsmasq options: [%i]: %s\n", j-1, argv_dnsmasq[j-1]);
// Return early: We have consumes all available command line arguments
// What follows beyond this point are FTL internal command line arguments
if(strcmp(argv[i], "d") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "debug") == 0)
dnsmasq_debug = true;
daemonmode = false;
ok = true;
// Replace "-k" by "-d" (dnsmasq_debug mode implies nofork)
argv_dnsmasq[1] = "-d";
2017-03-13 04:03:05 +08:00
// Full start FTL but shut down immediately once everything is up
// This ensures we'd catch any dnsmasq config errors,
// incorrect file permissions, etc.
if(strcmp(argv[i], "test") == 0)
killed = 1;
ok = true;
2017-03-13 04:03:05 +08:00
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "version") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0)
printf("%s\n", get_FTL_version());
2017-03-13 04:03:05 +08:00
// Extended version output
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-vv") == 0)
const char *bold = cli_bold();
const char *normal = cli_normal();
const char *green = cli_color(COL_GREEN);
const char *yellow = cli_color(COL_YELLOW);
// Print FTL version
printf("****************************** %s%sFTL%s **********************************\n",
yellow, bold, normal);
printf("Version: %s%s%s%s\n",
green, bold, get_FTL_version(), normal);
printf("Branch: " GIT_BRANCH "\n");
printf("Commit: " GIT_HASH " (" GIT_DATE ")\n");
printf("Architecture: " FTL_ARCH "\n");
printf("Compiler: " FTL_CC "\n\n");
// Print dnsmasq version and compile time options
print_dnsmasq_version(yellow, green, bold, normal);
// Print SQLite3 version and compile time options
printf("****************************** %s%sSQLite3%s ******************************\n",
yellow, bold, normal);
printf("Version: %s%s%s%s\n",
green, bold, sqlite3_libversion(), normal);
printf("Features: ");
unsigned int o = 0;
const char *opt = NULL;
while((opt = sqlite3_compileoption_get(o++)) != NULL)
if(o != 1)
printf(" ");
printf("%s", opt);
printf("******************************** %s%sLUA%s ********************************\n",
yellow, bold, normal);
printf("Version: %s%s" LUA_VERSION_MAJOR "." LUA_VERSION_MINOR"%s\n",
green, bold, normal);
printf("Libraries: ");
printf("***************************** %s%sLIBNETTLE%s *****************************\n",
yellow, bold, normal);
printf("Version: %s%s" xstr(NETTLE_VERSION_MAJOR) "." xstr(NETTLE_VERSION_MINOR) "%s\n",
green, bold, normal);
printf("GMP: %s\n", NETTLE_USE_MINI_GMP ? "Mini" : "Full");
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "tag") == 0)
2017-02-22 16:50:05 +08:00
2017-02-22 16:50:05 +08:00
2017-03-13 04:03:05 +08:00
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "branch") == 0)
if(strcmp(argv[i], "--hash") == 0)
// Don't go into background
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0 ||
strcmp(argv[i], "no-daemon") == 0)
2018-05-12 20:39:44 +08:00
daemonmode = false;
ok = true;
// Quiet mode
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0)
quiet = true;
ok = true;
// Regex test mode
if(strcmp(argv[i], "regex-test") == 0)
// Enable stdout printing
cli_mode = true;
if(argc == i + 2)
exit(regex_test(dnsmasq_debug, quiet, argv[i + 1], NULL));
else if(argc == i + 3)
exit(regex_test(dnsmasq_debug, quiet, argv[i + 1], argv[i + 2]));
printf("pihole-FTL: invalid option -- '%s' need either one or two parameters\nTry '%s --help' for more information\n", argv[i], argv[0]);
// List of implemented arguments
if(strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0)
const char *bold = cli_bold();
const char *normal = cli_normal();
const char *blue = cli_color(COL_BLUE);
const char *cyan = cli_color(COL_CYAN);
const char *green = cli_color(COL_GREEN);
const char *yellow = cli_color(COL_YELLOW);
const char *purple = cli_color(COL_PURPLE);
printf("%sThe Pi-hole FTL engine - %s%s\n\n", bold, get_FTL_version(), normal);
printf("Typically, pihole-FTL runs as a system service and is controlled\n");
printf("by %ssudo service pihole-FTL %s<action>%s where %s<action>%s is one out\n", green, purple, normal, purple, normal);
printf("of %sstart%s, %sstop%s, or %srestart%s.\n\n", green, normal, green, normal, green, normal);
printf("pihole-FTL exposes some features going beyond the standard\n");
printf("%sservice pihole-FTL%s command. These are:\n\n", green, normal);
printf("%sVersion information:%s\n", yellow, normal);
printf("\t%s-v%s, %sversion%s Return FTL version\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf("\t%s-vv%s Return verbose version information\n", green, normal);
printf("\t%s-t%s, %stag%s Return git tag\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf("\t%s-b%s, %sbranch%s Return git branch\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf("\t%s--hash%s Return git commit hash\n\n", green, normal);
printf("%sRegular expression testing:%s\n", yellow, normal);
printf("\t%sregex-test %sstr%s Test %sstr%s against all regular\n", green, blue, normal, blue, normal);
printf("\t expressions in the database\n");
printf("\t%sregex-test %sstr %srgx%s Test %sstr%s against regular expression\n", green, blue, cyan, normal, blue, normal);
printf("\t given by regular expression %srgx%s\n\n", cyan, normal);
printf(" Example: %spihole-FTL regex-test %ssomebad.domain %sbad%s\n", green, blue, cyan, normal);
printf(" to test %ssomebad.domain%s against %sbad%s\n\n", blue, normal, cyan, normal);
printf(" An optional %s-q%s prevents any output (exit code testing):\n", purple, normal);
printf(" %spihole-FTL %s-q%s regex-test %ssomebad.domain %sbad%s\n\n", green, purple, green, blue, cyan, normal);
printf("%sEmbedded Lua engine:%s\n", yellow, normal);
printf("\t%s--lua%s, %slua%s FTL's lua interpreter\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf("\t%s--luac%s, %sluac%s FTL's lua compiler\n\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf(" Usage: %spihole-FTL lua %s[OPTIONS] [SCRIPT [ARGS]]%s\n\n", green, cyan, normal);
printf(" Options:\n\n");
printf(" - %s[OPTIONS]%s is an optional set of options. All available\n", cyan, normal);
printf(" options can be seen by running %spihole-FTL lua --help%s\n", green, normal);
printf(" - %s[SCRIPT]%s is the optional name of a Lua script.\n", cyan, normal);
printf(" If this script does not exist, an interactive shell is\n");
printf(" started instead.\n");
printf(" - %s[SCRIPT [ARGS]]%s can be used to pass optional args to\n", cyan, normal);
printf(" the script.\n\n");
printf("%sEmbedded SQLite3 shell:%s\n", yellow, normal);
printf("\t%ssql%s, %ssqlite3%s FTL's SQLite3 shell\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf(" Usage: %spihole-FTL sqlite3 %s[OPTIONS] [FILENAME] [SQL]%s\n\n", green, cyan, normal);
printf(" Options:\n\n");
printf(" - %s[OPTIONS]%s is an optional set of options. All available\n", cyan, normal);
printf(" options can be found in %spihole-FTL sqlite3 --help%s.\n", green, normal);
printf(" The first option can be either %s-h%s or %s-ni%s, see below.\n", purple, normal, purple, normal);
printf(" - %s[FILENAME]%s is the optional name of an SQLite database.\n", cyan, normal);
printf(" A new database is created if the file does not previously\n");
printf(" exist. If this argument is omitted, SQLite3 will use a\n");
printf(" transient in-memory database instead.\n");
printf(" - %s[SQL]%s is an optional SQL statement to be executed. If\n", cyan, normal);
printf(" omitted, an interactive shell is started instead.\n\n");
printf(" There are two special %spihole-FTL sqlite3%s mode switches:\n", green, normal);
printf(" %s-h%s %shuman-readable%s mode:\n", purple, normal, bold, normal);
printf(" In this mode, the output of the shell is formatted in\n");
printf(" a human-readable way. This is especially useful for\n");
printf(" debugging purposes. %s-h%s is a shortcut for\n", purple, normal);
printf(" %spihole-FTL sqlite3 %s-column -header -nullvalue '(null)'%s\n\n", green, purple, normal);
printf(" %s-ni%s %snon-interative%s mode\n", purple, normal, bold, normal);
printf(" In this mode, batch mode is enforced and any possibly\n");
printf(" existing .sqliterc file is ignored. %s-ni%s is a shortcut\n", purple, normal);
printf(" for %spihole-FTL sqlite3 %s-batch -init /dev/null%s\n\n", green, purple, normal);
printf(" Usage: %spihole-FTL sqlite3 %s-ni %s[OPTIONS] [FILENAME] [SQL]%s\n\n", green, purple, cyan, normal);
printf("%sEmbedded dnsmasq options:%s\n", yellow, normal);
printf("\t%sdnsmasq-test%s Test syntax of dnsmasq's config\n", green, normal);
printf("\t%s--list-dhcp4%s List known DHCPv4 config options\n", green, normal);
printf("\t%s--list-dhcp6%s List known DHCPv6 config options\n\n", green, normal);
printf("%sDebugging and special use:%s\n", yellow, normal);
printf("\t%sd%s, %sdebug%s Enter debugging mode\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf("\t%stest%s Don't start pihole-FTL but instead\n", green, normal);
printf("\t quit immediately\n");
printf("\t%s-f%s, %sno-daemon%s Don't go into daemon mode\n\n", green, normal, green, normal);
printf("%sOther:%s\n", yellow, normal);
printf("\t%sdhcp-discover%s Discover DHCP servers in the local\n", green, normal);
printf("\t network\n");
printf("\t%sarp-scan %s[-a/-x]%s Use ARP to scan local network for\n", green, cyan, normal);
printf("\t possible IP conflicts\n");
printf("\t Append %s-a%s to force scan on all\n", cyan, normal);
printf("\t interfaces\n");
printf("\t Append %s-x%s to force scan on all\n", cyan, normal);
printf("\t interfaces and scan 10x more often\n");
printf("\t%s-h%s, %shelp%s Display this help and exit\n\n", green, normal, green, normal);
2017-06-05 21:12:38 +08:00
// Return success error code on this undocumented flag
if(strcmp(argv[i], "--resolver") == 0)
// Return number of errors on this undocumented flag
if(strcmp(argv[i], "--check-structs") == 0)
// Complain if invalid options have been found
printf("pihole-FTL: invalid option -- '%s'\n", argv[i]);
printf("Command: '");
for(int j = 0; j < argc; j++)
printf("%s", argv[j]);
if(j < argc - 1)
printf(" ");
printf("'\nTry '%s --help' for more information\n", argv[0]);